Cross The Line (M/E)

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The Fast and the Furious StarChaser au

"James stands in the middle of the street looking after Regulus like an idiot. Curse Frank for giving him this assignment because Regulus Black is going to be the death of James Potter.  A sixty-second conversation and James is already obsessed. 






Fralice (Frank/Alice)



"I've never done an undercover mission before," James Potter's mouth hangs open as he takes in what his captain just told him. There's no way Frank is thinking of assigning James, who has no undercover training at all, the most dangerous job the team has at the moment.

"James, you're the only person here with a background in street racing. If we send anyone else in, the racers will find our agents out instantly." Frank drops a thin file on the table. "This is all our information on these drug smugglers, which is absolutely nothing. The only thing our other undercover agents, not involved in this particular case, have heard through the grapevine is the suspects drive honda civics, and the drivers are involved with the street racing scene. We don't know if that means they're street racers themselves or simply fans. Either way, we need an agent involved with the scene to investigate. What better way to do that than to become a racer?"

"I haven't raced in years, Frank," James protests. He gave up that life after almost being arrested as a teenager. Not long after graduating high school, he went to the police academy. Now he's a full-fledged cop and hasn't looked back since. He doesn't miss his life of crime at all.

"It's gotta be like riding a bike. You never forget."

"Jesus Christ, Frank," James runs a hand through his unruly hair. "I don't have any training! I don't know what to do!"

"Just be yourself, with a few adjustments. This scene isn't new to you."

James pulls the file closer and flips it open. The information they have on these smugglers is thin. Nothing more than the number of known drop-offs and the days they occurred, with who knows how many unknown ones. The agents in other undercover missions only hear so much, not enough. It's imperative to the case for someone to get close to the street race scene; James knows this, but he didn't expect it to be him.

His past as a racer is a tightly held secret. No one other than Frank is aware of it. He's the officer that caught James at seventeen. Frank turned James' life around. If this gets out, there's no telling how it will impact James' career. Going undercover as a talented street racer will have people questioning how James became so skilled. He won't be able to hide his past after this.

Frank sighs heavily. He pulls out the chair opposite James and sits elbows on the table. "Listen, James, I know this is a sore spot for you. I wouldn't be asking if we had any other option."

"I know that. I'm thinking about what's going to happen to my career. If I do this, it's going down the drain."

"Leave it to me. I won't let you lose your job over an assignment I gave you. You were a teenager. No one can blame you for wanting the rush and exhilaration illegal racing gave you. I know some of the men here have done worse."

"Promise you'll protect me, even if this goes south," James says.

"I promise. Alice will kill me if I let anything happen to you."

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