Chapter One (Alex's P.O.V)

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I was woken up by my alarm ringing in my ear. With my eyes still semi-closed, half awake I turn over to try to hit the snooze button but instead knock my alarm clock off of my side table. "Ughh" I groaned. I grab my phone and see the time is 8:11 am " SHIT SHIT SHIT!" I jump out of bed and grab my jeans and sweater while running into the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth and run out. " BYE, MOM!" I yell while running through the kitchen "Oh bye honey" my mom says ( One of them I have two moms) I grab my jacket, quickly slip on my dirty, white Converse, and run out the door. I run about four houses past mine and then take a left to arrive at Noah's house. Noah is my best friend. I have known him since I was in the second grade! Noah has brown wavy hair, and Blue eyes and is pretty tall. I ran up to his front door and knocked. The front door opens and his dog Bonnie a white, fluffy husky jumps onto me " Oh hey Bonbon" I say as I get on my knees to pet her. I see Noah grab his bag and start to walk out of his house and he giggles as she licks my face " You know, she really likes you" he says. I pat Bonnie on the head and then look up at him and smile ( My stomach flutters) but dismiss the feeling and stand up. " We're gonna be late," I say as Noah leads Bonnie into his house. " Mom, we're heading out!" Noah yells "Ok sweety" Mrs.Vesper ( Noah's mom) says. We walk to school, talking about a basketball tournament we have next week. We eventually get to school and head inside to meet Max at our lockers. I have known Max since, forever really. One of my moms ( Tracy) and her mom were friends in high school. Her mom was actually the reason my moms got together in the first place. Since One of my moms and her mom were friends for so long we kind of grew up together. Max or Maxine has a black wolf cut and blue eyes. Noah and I always joke that she's emo because she wears a lot of black. "Hey, Maxine," I say ( She hates when people call her Maxine) " Oh hi Alexander," she says with a smirk. ( She also knows I hate being called Alexander) I roll my eyes as Clara sneaks up behind Noah and puts her head on his shoulder ( she has to go on her tippy-toes to reach his shoulder) " Hey Noe" she says looking into his eyes and smiling " hey babe" Noah says turning to her and kissing her. Clara is Noah's girlfriend. Yeah, Clara Hills the Popular girl and captain of the volleyball team. Although she gives that mean-girl vibe she's really nice. She had long brown wavy hair and light blue eyes. Noah and Clara kiss Ew, I think. Max and I look at each other just standing there awkwardly while they're making out. "... I think ima go.." Max says " Yep me too!" I say quickly walking away and heading to class.

The bell rings and my last class of the day, English, is over. English is probably my favorite class right now. Not just because I am getting pretty good grades in it right now but I also just love writing. Mrs. Rivera ( My English teacher) walks over to my desk as I am grabbing my backpack off of my chair. " I read your essay and It was great to keep up the good work," she says " oh thank you " I respond while swinging my backpack on " well have a good night," I tell her trying to be polite "you too!" she says as I walk out of the classroom. I walk outside to meet Noah to walk home, " I'll call you later babe," he says to Clara'' Okay bye Now," She says as he walks away with a group of girls giggling. "What was that about," I say after we walk enough away for them not to hear us " To be honest I don't really know. Her friends are kind of annoying, "he says while smiling. '' kind of!" I say as I start laughing. Then he starts laughing and suddenly we can't stop laughing. Later we arrived at Noah's house, drenched in water because it was raining. He unlocks and opens the door, Bonnie runs out of the house, and we both kneel down so we can pet her. " Oh hey Bonbon," Noah says in a higher-pitched voice most girls would use to talk to babies and dogs. I looked at him " What was that? '' I say as I start to laugh '' You never heard that.." he says trying to keep a straight face but eventually starts laughing too. " Noah, you have tutoring in 10 minutes!" Mrs. Vesper yells " Okay coming mom!" Noah responds. " I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow," he says while trying to get Bonnie back into the house. " Okay see you tomorrow," I say as I wave and run home. Right as I open the door and one of my moms ( Janet) comes and greets me, she can be a bit overprotective but I'm used to it. She is a full-time artist and is pretty successful (as far as artists go), anyway I headed up to my room to play on my PS4.

I checked the time, 10:03 pm. How long have I been playing for, I think? I get up and hop into the shower trying to be as quiet as possible because I'm not sure if my moms are asleep yet. I close my eyes to wash my hair and all I can think about is Noah... I know it's normal but not for me. But all of a sudden my thoughts are interrupted by a banging at the door. " HURRY UP IN THERE!" I hear my sister yell. She clearly isn't worried about waking up our moms. " GIMME A SEC" I yell back " UGH" I hear her yell dramatically like waiting five more minutes to shower is a big deal. 

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