Chapter 14 (Noah's P.O.V)

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I wake up by the sound of my Alarm clock I just groan and turn it off I get up and go to look in my closet for my old Penguin Onesie I find it then takes it to my bathroom When I got changed I brushed my teeth and sprayed Perfume on myself When I was done I walked out of the washroom And went downstairs I went into the kitchen to grab my lunch After I was done packing my lunch I quickly grab Bonnie's Dog food and put some food in there and water After feeding her I Saw my mom grabbing her purse "Noah honey don't forget you have tutoring lessons after school" My mom says kissing my cheek "mhm I know mom" I say kissing her on the cheek she then walks out the door I just go to pet my dog Bonnie I got bonnie when I was 15 My dad bought her for me For my 15th Birthday so I wouldn't be lonely I miss him I was then knocked out of my thought when someone knocked on the door.

I open the door to see Alex He just looks me up and down And starts laughing "don't laugh" I say pouting "im S-sorry" He says calming down " I gotta put on my shoes" I say going to put on my Black crocs After I was done putting on my shoes and grabbing my bag I close the door behind me Me and Alex then walk to school When we Arrived we saw Max in a Cat Onesie and Hayden and Hunter in Crocodile Onesies we then walk up to them "sup guys" Me and Alex say "nice Outfit" Hunter says "shut it" I say Rolling my eyes "Awe look at my bestie" Max says fangirling Over Noah. Ivy then walks up to us and Clings onto Alex I sigh "hello Ivy" Alex says Sighing "Hi Ally" Ivy says I don't know why she gave him that nickname It doesn't sound right I then looked her up and down she was wearing bunny pajamas " I like your outfit" Alex says smiling at her Ugh "Awe thank you" She says smiling widely "your welcome Ivy" he says pushing her off.

Later in class We walk in to see Ms. Rezendez wearing an Elephant Onesie "morning Class!" she says, I sit beside hunter "ok class I have work to finish you guys can have free time" she says Sitting at her desk I then quickly go on my phone and click on Snapchat I then scroll to see the words 'baby' I then find it and text Clara *hey baby* I text her * hey babe* she texts back. After texting for a while We finally start class Later at lunch I see Alex, Max, Hunter, and Hayden sit at the cafeteria Table Ivy then walks up sits down and clings to Alex, as usual, I walk over to them and sit down "sup people" I say smiling "hey Noah'' Alex says Ivy just glares at me I just ignore her "so where's your girlfriend" Alex asks "She's sick" I say pouting Alex just puts his head " mhm I'm fine" He says smiling at Ivy After school I wait outside for Alex but he hasn't shown up yet I then see Max walk out I jog over to her "Hey Max where's Alex" I ask her " Oh he left early" she says. "O-oh okay," I say sighing "Mhm no prob," she says smiling and walking Away Why didn't he tell me I just walked home? To make things worse It's now raining! When I finally get home I'm drenched in Rain. I then decide to take a shower before Sasha comes over. After I was done showering I changed into my boxers and some white shorts with a tank top. I then walk downstairs As I hear a knock on the door "Coming!" I yell. I then open the door to see Sasha wearing Converse with Tights and a white crop top with a sweater over it "hey Sasha come in" I say smiling at her.

" K," she says walking in and taking off her shoes I then guide her to the Dining Room "Have a seat Im just gonna feed Bonnie she just Nods and opens her Notebooks I then walk into the kitchen to grab Bonnie's food I walk over to her bowl and pour some Dog food in it After I was done filling her bowl I sat at the table After an hour or two Sasha left " bye Noah," she says smiling at me "bye Sasha," I say smiling at her I then close the door and walk to my room and fall onto my bed and drift to sleep. 

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