Chapter 17 (Alex's P.O.V)

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I wake up feeling like shit I just groan ever since I confessed to Noah I haven't been to school I just get out of my bed and walk into the washroom and brush my teeth After I was done I went back to my room and grab my phone to see 20 missed calls from Noah I just sigh I then check messages to see he sent me 16 texts I then turn off my phone and play some 2K After a few hours Someone knocks on the door I walk downstairs and open the door to see Noah I just sigh and I was about to close the door when he put his foot in front of it "can we just please talk" he says "Fine" I mumble he then walks in and walks up to my room I then step into my room and close the door " You know how you confessed" he says slowly I just sigh and nod " I-i think I Like you I need to figure out my true feelings".

I just nod he then unexpectedly hugs me "I'm sorry" he whispers then let's go and walks out the door I just stand there in shock tears streaming down my face the next day it's Tuesday I wake up feeling even worse. My mom (Tracey) then knocks on my door I just look up at her "honey I know your feeling sad but have to go to school," she says worriedly I just sigh and nod she then walks away I just get up and go to the washroom to brush my teeth After I was done brushing my teeth I went back to my room and got changed into some white ripped jeans with a Black T-Shirt and my Jordan 9,s I walk out of my room and head downstairs to pack my lunch. After packing my lunch I head out the door. I just walk to school by myself. When I arrive at school I see Max.

She then looks at me and Waves I just wave back I then walk over to her as I put my bag in my locker "Hey you haven't shown up to school in a while" she says hugging me "I know i'm sorry" I say hugging her back I decided that I would ignore Noah Later in class Clara walks up to me. Shit does she know "I missed you, Alex," she says smiling and hugging me I then look over her shoulder to see Noah wearing a Nike tech sweater and Nike twitch pants and some with some black crocs I then look back at Clara "O-oh hey Clara," I say smiling awkwardly she then grabs Noah's hand and walks away I just sigh. Ms. Rezendez then walks in "ok class in a few weeks or so we're gonna have a prom!" she says smiling everyone then starts whispering Later at lunch I was just watching Noah "you ok bestie" Max says waving her hand in front of my face "Mhm" I say still staring at Noah she just Nods and continues to eat her food After Eating Max said she needed the washroom so I walked as we almost got there someone grabbed my wrist "I need to borrow Alex" the person is Noah ugh! He then drags me into the janitor's closet "hey what's this all about" I say groaning all of a sudden Noah grabs my chin I just pout out of the blue Noah Kisses me I'm too shocked to kiss back all of a sudden someone opens the door it's Ivy she has this shocked Expression on she then starts tearing up and then runs away "Ivy wait!" Noah yells as he runs after her. I just sigh. Max then shows up and runs up to me and hugs me After school. I just walked home by myself Noah. When I arrived home I took a quick shower, made some dinner and drifted off to sleep. sudden someone opens the door it's Ivy she has this shocked Expression on she then starts tearing up and then runs away "Ivy wait!" Noah yells as he runs after her. I just sigh. Max then shows up and runs up to me and hugs me After school. I just walked home by myself Noah. When I arrived home I took a quick shower, made some dinner and drifted off to sleep.

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