Chapter 18 (Noah's P.O.V)

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Alex hasn't been to school in a while. I then go downstairs and make some pancakes and eggs. After eating my breakfast I went back upstairs and got changed to go to Alex's house so I can make things right. After getting changed into some gray sweatpants and a Black T-Shirt and some black converse, I head out When I arrive at Alex's house. I knock on the door and Alex opens it. He was about to close the door until I stopped him with my foot "could we please talk" I ask him he then moves out of the way so I can step inside he then closes the door and leads me to his room, we then go inside his room "remember how you said you liked me" I say he just nods "I-i think I like you I just need figure out my true feelings" I say he then sighs but nods I then hug him "I'm sorry" I whisper to him I then let go and walk out as soon as I walked out tears started streaming down my face.

Then next day I wake up feeling like shit I then get up and groan I then walk to my closet and grab my Nike tech sweater and pants and my black crocs after gathering my clothes I walk into my bathroom after getting dressed I brush my teeth, after brushing my teeth I walk downstairs into the Kitchen I then pack my lunch and head out I decided I would give Alex some space so, I walk to school by myself. When I arrive I saw my girlfriend she then notices I arrived she runs up to me and jumps into my arms "Hey baby" I say kissing her head, Later in class, Clara and I walked in and I saw Alex sitting at his desk Clara then walks over to him I just stay behind her " I missed you Alex" she says smiling and then she hugs him he then looks over Clara and looks at me I then feeling my cheeks heat up he then looks back at Clara.

"O-oh hey Clara'' he says smiling. Awkwardly he looks so cute Clara then holds my hand and walks away I then sigh "Everything okay," Clara asks looking worried I just nod she then smiles then kisses my cheek she then walks to her seat.

Later at lunch, I was talking with my friends till I saw Alex walking with Max I then decided to follow them I then got close and grab Alex's wrist "I need to borrow Alex'' I say a little annoyed I then drag him into the janitor's closet "Hey what's this all about!" Alex says, groaning. I then grab his chin. He just pouts I couldn't control myself and without thinking I kissed him I think he was too shocked to kiss back. Someone then opens the door. It's Ivy. She stares at us in disbelief " What.." she says with a blank stare then starts running away. I then run after her and she then runs into a corner "Ivy" I yell to her "It's too late I'm telling Clara!" She yells back. Alex walks up behind me "Oh shit" he says as I stand there thinking about the look on Clara's face when Ivy tells her. Later I see Clara walking up to me, Shit! I think. "Hey Babe!" she says smiling "H-hey," I say a little nervously, stuttering a bit "Guess what," she says I just raise my eyebrows " the new girl Ivy said she saw you kissing Alex!" She says sarcastically while laughing "Really! that's crazy" I say practically sweating "Right!" she says "It's so weird of her to make a lie like that. Like I might have believed her if she said you were kissing another girl, but Alex! It's the funniest thing I've heard all day." she says, kissing me. Phew! I'm kinda relieved.

Later after school, Clara asked if I could walk her home. So I did and when I got home I opened the door to see our dog Bonnie barking and wagging her tail. I just smile. She's so precious. My smile fades quickly when I think of how I kissed my best friend (a guy!) and lied to Clara about it. I then kneel down and pet her "Hey girl," I say dropping my bag. After petting Bonnie I put dog food in her bowl and walked up the stairs into my room. My phone then dings. I open it and see it's Ivy typing. Oh shit, I think. "What is it now?" I type " I hope you're happy. You legit just cheated on your girlfriend WITH A GUY and lied about it". I normally hate Ivy but to be honest, she is right about this. Man, I hate to admit she's right. 

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