The Calling ❦ ˎˊ˗

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Cannon balls.

All I heard were cannon balls being shot.
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I was currently a marine under Tsuru's command.

Miss Tsuru is a strong and terrifying woman.

Terrifying enough to strike intense fear to Doflamingo.

Doflamingo who was always quick to flee during Tsurus many pursuits of the Donquixote Pirates throughout the North Blue.

Despite Doflamingos initial plans to stay a little longer to reclaim Law from the Marines custody, he quickly changed this plan upon seeing Tsuru battleship off the coast of Minion Island.

Minion Island which I was currently at right now.

As I watch Doflamingo and his crew flee the scene, I went back to concentrating on my work.

I focused back to making the main meal of the day for the whole marine crew. It was a lot of work but I could handle it.

For It was my duty as the chief cook of the ship. I took my time cooking and preparing the dishes when my captain suddenly barged in.

"Ah there you are y/n! It looks like Doflamingo escaped us once again but there's something important I think you might want to take a look at." Tsuru utters with a commanding voice.

I realized this was a direct order and left the cooking to the deputy chef, second in command of the kitchen.

"Yes ma'am, Right away." I speak up before following after my captain. I leave the kitchen and exit the main ship of the many other marine battleships on Minion Island.
— ❦ —
I was in total shock as I stare at the lifeless body of Donquixote Rosinante, also known as Corazon.

I met him a few times before since he was a marine commander working undercover to help stop Doflamingo. He usually worked side by side with miss Tsuru herself, they were close to each other.

I don't utter a word waiting to hear what my captain has in mind. I stand by patiently awaiting her statement.

"Let's test the limits of your devil fruit. Try curing him." My captain barks a order at me.

I take a breathe as I feel the pressure of trying to cure a already dead man. Is it even possible to cure a zombie?! Either way it's captains order I can't fail a command.

I rub my hands together and focus my strength as I close my eyes and work my magic.

I place my hands onto Corazon's chest where his wounds are located at and start healing it one by one. As I fix the wounds slowly by slowly I then focused on pouring my strength towards his heart to force it to start beating again.

The first time was a failure so I poured more power into it with more speed and kept it going. It had me exhausted but I didn't stop until I finally heard the heart beat.

I finally collapse to the ground laying right next to Corazon burnt out after using my devil fruit powers to the full max.

"Oh my god.. I actually did it! I brought him back to life!" I cheer happily as my body feels so sore and weak right now.

I hear my captain Tsuru laugh joyfully.

"I knew you could do it Y/n. You just needed a little push and now thanks to you Corazon has a chance to live once more." She says with a wide grin.

I smile one last time not uttering a single word before blacking out.

— ❦ —

Currently I am watching over Corazon as he slowly recovers from his now coma.

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