3 idiots ❦ ˎˊ˗

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I Stop yelling exhausted and scared of breaking my own voice.

I'm not liking this game of hide and seek these two brats got me playing. If they want to hide like fools I'll treat them as such.

It's really hard being apart of Dadan's daycare Alright..

I spit at the ground, causing the grass to glow and grow 18 feet up.

I'll use this as a checkpoint to find my way back home.
— ❦ —
I venture off deeper in the woods when I finally reached the sound of two fools bickering.

"Wolves!!" I hear the sound of Luffy yelling.

"Luffy you idiot, what the hell is going on! Why are those wolves chasing you!" Ace replies not surprised.

"Geez... what type of trouble did you lead to us this time Luffy..." I hear a new voice speak.

I run towards the sound of their voice,

When I heard a loud blaring howl...

Like the sound of a bell, the howling ringed in my ear.

Deafening it even.

"LUFFY!!!" I hear Ace plead.

I reach the brawl right in time, sliding on the soft grass floor, reaching Ace, Luffy and the unknown kid in quick speed.

I pick them up and place them in the tight embrace of my arms.

"Can't even leave you brats in the woods for 4 hours without y'all causing trouble..." I sigh.

I spit at the ground blocking the wolves view with tall grass. I run forth at the wolves spitting at the trees next to the pack with precise aim.

I watch as it grows to full health, reaching it's full tree length in a span of 20 seconds. The tree was thick enough to trap the wolves in between.

I use this opportunity to run back home.

"Hurry up. We need to go home before those wolves come for a second round." Ace laughs amused, holding on tightly to my shoulder.

"Wowww.." the random kid says amazed by my devil fruit.

"Everything is gonna be alright kids." I assure them, patting their head.
— ❦ —
The boys were all patched up from the brawl. Luffy somehow had A LOT injuries which I had to use my devil fruit powers to heal... that kid sure gets himself in a whole lot of trouble.

Just like I swore I organized the meals on the table, displaying the food I proudly made out of promise.

I was gonna serve Dadan, Dogra and Magra but the second I came right home they took it as a opportunity to go party at the bar which left me in charge.

I sigh.

"Alright boys, you're now allowed to dig in your food." I yell sitting down quickly, covering my food away from Luffys touch.

The boys race, storming into the kitchen like wild animals. They all sat next to each other while I sat far away from them.

"So.. you must be Y/n right? I've heard a lot about you from Ace. You really are amazing as he says you are." The random kid talks to me, taking a bite of meat.

"Oh? What did he say about me kid?" I raise a brow, biting down my food.

"Oh shut up Sabo!" Ace replies smacking his friend in the head.

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