Meeting ❦ ˎˊ˗

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"Oh my sweet little girl, I've missed you so." Grandpa Mars laughs, giving me a tight hug.

"Your beard tickles." I snicker, trying to move my face away from his stiff beard.

I try fighting off his grip as he is playfully 'suffocating' me in his itchy beard. I keep my dramatic act going until my other grandpa shows himself towards us.

"Don't bother with that old geezer dear, hug me instead." Grandpa Nushjuro grins, opening his arms ready for a good old hug.

I escape grandpa Mars hug and run towards my good old bald grandpa who I love so dearly. He holds me In the air, swinging me around in circles.

"Oh please, stop treating my dear Y/n like a baby. Treat her with respect like the adult she is." Grandpa Peter bickers with grandpa Nushjuro.

"I can't help my actions when I haven't seen my child in so long." Nushjuro argues back in defense.

"Well I think that-"

"I personally disagree with-"

As the bickering doesn't end, grandpa Valcurie sneakily grabs me out of Nushjuro's hold.

"Now that you're finally back, I can finally gift you this outfit I've customized for you. I was planning on giving it to you 9 years ago but nature had other plans for you dear. Hearing of your recent arrival I quickly got top brand designers to create this gift once more. I didn't want to hand you the old dusty one, that would be dishonorable of me." Valcurie cries out, pulling out a designer bag and handing it to me.

"You mean to say you waited years to hand me a treasured gift designed specifically for me?! That just makes me adore you more gramps!" I wipe a tear as I give him a peck on the cheek.

"Ha ha ha ha, Anything for you my dear!" He winks at me, motioning me to go try it on.

I escort myself to the guest room of this marine ship. I lock the door of the room as I further more guide myself to the bed where I dropped off my gift.

I open the designer bag and gaze at the lavish white dress that comes with a marine coat that says "Justice".

I grin with joy, loving the professional fit he specifically made for this special occasion. I'm loving the fit and all but I feel guilty wearing something that was only made for high rank marines. This cape isn't supposed to be in my hands at all.

I frown as I walk back to the deck of the ship. I silently reveal myself to my grandpas, showing off the fit they proudly ordered for me.

"Why did you give me a Marine Cape? I'm no marine officer I can't wear this." I said agitatedly, not liking this one bit.

"Dear you hold strong Justice in you. You may not be a marine but someone with honorable Justice like you is a gift to the world government. We see your worth, You're no marine nor are you a normal civilian. You're something more, something so universal that can't even compare to the title of world noble." Valcurie proudly speaks to me, caressing my hair.

"I humbly request you to release my soul child." Grandpa Saturn speaks with authority.

A Soul child is a person who loves and trust themselves and others. They retain a sense of innoncence yet at the time embody wisdom. Delivering love to themselves, higher power and then their fellow beings. A soul child is a rare blessing to encounter.

Valcurie nods as he releases his hands from my hair, backing away as Saturn walks towards me.

"Soul child?" I question not liking this switch of tone..

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