Young Love ❦ ˎˊ˗

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As the sun descends, the evening sky arises. Countless birds migrate together, taking flight in the fading sunlight. Amidst the nature of the sky holds the majestic scene of floating rocks.

As if the mere sight of rocks floating weren't strange enough, next thing I know I spot a visible figure sprinting along the distant dock. Just to further inspect and discover it was Luffy on a giant...

Overall I wouldn't have batted a eye if it wasn't for the fact they were running full speed at me!

"Woah woah pump the brakes, speedy!" I yell, tears streaming down my face as I try to outpace the towering duo.

I'll be damned before I die getting stomped on!! That shits embarrassing! Gosh! Luffy sure does know how to keep me on my toes...

Between Doflamingo's sinister schemes and Luffy's reckless antics, I can't help but feel like it's a never-ending contest to see who poses the biggest threat to my safety!!

Like why would he direct his massive companion to chase me? It's not like I'm a ball to be chased after! Like literally, I don't even have the BALLS to qualify... This isn't a game of catch for damn sake.

I sprint towards the end of the dock as fast as I can, hoping to put as much distance as possible between me and the duo.

Panting and gasping for air I collapse on the wooden planks, my legs shaking with exhaustion. I lay motionless on the dock, taking deep and shaky breaths as I try to calm my racing heart.

I'm exhausted from the chase, and I don't even have THE ENERGY to shout at Luffy's stupid ass! Even though I really want to...

I curse my own lack of physical fitness, knowing damn well I can't keep up with his antics anymore before snapping.

I suddenly hear the distant sound of a voice I know all too well... Luffy's. His loud cries echo through the air, as I sit myself up trying to listen to what this moron has to say after giving me a mid life crisis.

"Ah! So you were the guest of honor Mingo kept yapping about huh Y/n?" He shouts, declaring his victory over our 'game' of catch. His tone one of playful triumph.

In that moment, my heart sinks as I realize that this night's adventure has only just begun... As much as I trust in Luffy, my survival instincts are screaming at me to run the hell away from this despicable moron!

I know Luffy and his antics can be fun and exciting, but I also know how dangerous they can be. I don't want to become just another casualty of his careless playfulness.

As I stood there frozen yelling at Luffy, I suddenly realized the mistake I had made. Instead of scheming or hiding, I had only created a clear path for Luffy to catch me like a giant lamp shining in the night. I cursed my own stupidity... I knew better than to put myself in this kind of situation.

"You sure do know me so well to play a game of catch like we use too! That was fun, let's do it again!" He replies as his laughter echos through the air, taunting me yet again. I stare up at Luffy, as his giant minion towers over me. Suddenly his giant friend kneels down, creating a platform for Luffy to jump down from.

The sudden kneeling hits the dock hard, as my body that was once on the ground flings into the air like a trampoline...

"YOU MORANS, I'LL CURSE YOU!!!" I yell as loud as I possibly can. I look down below and realize I'm gonna fall in the water... In mere seconds the wind strongly violates me, as my body hits the water with an aggressive splash.

My vision blacks out as I struggle to breathe...



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