Girls World ❦ ˎˊ˗

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Plenty of days have passed since Sengoku's visit, the tension between me and Corazon has been really weird ever since.

It's been very awkward between us and I did plan on trying to speak to him about it but I got shy and opted out.

Even though I hope our relationship doesn't end up fucked up, I'll respect any decisions he makes. So if he chooses to leave, I won't budge. It may hurt but it would be completely his choice.

My thoughts were quickly popped as I sense company. I go to shore and see the infamous ship of Boa Hancock with her lady companions and extra ships. Ah, yes I totally forgot Boa Hancock was visiting today...

"Welcome, welcome! I see you brought the 10k residents like promised, now if you please, I'll happily talk to you about our arrangements. Since you are the first warlord on the list, would you like to start the process this month?" I ask professionally.

"Hmm yes, this month does sound nice, we can start at the 18th." Boa Hancock replies, as she orders her girls to release the residents into the island.

"Wonderful, I'll visit you in the 18th and 19th for the following 5 month. I would have requested you to stay a little bit longer but it seems I'll be busy helping the island people settle in." I say, ready to help support my people.

"Oh, such a shame." Boa Hancock slightly frowns, as she came all this way for nothing.

"My sincere apology, if you'd like your ladies can help my people settle in so we can properly discuss further more." I repent my words, not wanting to upset my guest who came so far.

"Hmm, very well." She claps her hands, signaling her ladies to help direct the young juveniles into the island to settle down.

As for residents she brought in, I realize they were all girls for some reason. I knew she had laws against men but I didn't think she would go far as to only select woman juveniles to come live in my island.

I guess her beliefs are just that strong. Either way I guess this will be very helpful as I know her companion's aren't allowed to speak to men so there shouldn't be no issue helping with the settlement.

"Oh quick note before you ladies head inside, my companion is on land and he's a man. I know it's disrespectful to interact with men in your culture but you shall not worry as he's kept inside. As long as you don't barge in the center building in the city you won't see him." I say handing one of her companions a map of Roger Island.

The map consist of 4 locations, 3 villages and one city.

The northern village is called Champion Village, named after Ace's prideful victories. This village is for battles and soldiers.

the western Village is called Sabotage Village, named after Sabo's consistency of sabotaging Dadans free time. This village is for festivals and other events, mostly marketing.

The eastern village is called Rubbery Village, named after Luffy's devil fruit powers. This village is for cultural dishes and service.

The center part of the island belongs to the city called Crew City, named after Curly Dadan's gang at home. This city is for business, educational system and hospitals.

Together it all spells out; Champion sabotage rubbery crew, which I find extremely smart and funny.

Naming my island after people I know brings me closure. And the truth is, sometimes the only closure we can get from the present is treasured memories.

"Did you wish to discuss something important with me?" I ask lady Boa Hancock as she seemed pretty persistent to stay longer on my island.

"Nothing in particular." She replies, shrugging her shoulders.

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