Awaken ❦ ˎˊ˗

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It's been 3 days since Sabo started living with us.

When Dadan came back from the bar she hit my head furious that I put another kid under her care.

I apologized profusely but stood my ground. Further more I successfully convinced her that Sabo is a well mannered kid.

Sabo seeing that I plead for his case, respected me.

Could you blame me for keeping those fools together?

It's like adopting a husky and then feeling bad for bringing it loneliness so you brought the husky another husky so they can be friends but the husky husky needed another husky and now their all well and done as a trio.

Like they came as a package so you gotta collect them all as such.

And talking about package I couldn't help but be kinda worried about Corazon. This night was just like any another night. I usually sleep on my sleeping bag laying on the wooden floor, watching over Corazon's health.

But tonight I couldn't help but be awake...

I have this horrible habit of staying awake overthinking about stuff. this night just so happen to be one of those nights. I stayed awake laying on the cold floor, staring at the ceiling where I overthinked about if Corazon will ever wake up...

Was it my fault?

Did I really save him or did I just put him into enteral sleep never to wake up or die.

Am I just torturing a already suffering man by making him stay alive?

Was this even planned well?

Would he hate me if he ever woke up...

I lay lifeless on the cold floor as I silently cry about my crazy human thoughts. I cant help but be emotional as so much is going on, with a patients life on my line.

It was so much easier taking care of him on Miss Tsuru's ship but now without her aiding me I feel hopeless.

I've dealt with many dangerous situations, yet I can't help but feel powerless when this treatment takes way longer than any other experience I had.

My patience is running low.

I thought my devil fruit could cure anything so why can't it bring Corazon awake already...

The guilt is real and so SO painful to bare.

As I feel my eyes get puffy from all my tears, I quietly get up, making no noise as I soundlessly show my way to the kitchen.

My efforts of trying to be quiet doesn't follow as I hear footsteps.

I turn my head sharply at the hallway as I look down noticing Ace staring up at me with wide eyes.

I rapidly try to pretend I'm fine by wiping my tears with swift speed, But nothing could help as my red nose and puffy eyes showed proof of my sorrow.

I focus my attention back in the kitchen as I put water in a pot and stare in to the abyss while I wait for my water to heat up.

I hear Ace's footsteps getting closer.

"What's wrong Y/n?" He genuinely asks, rubbing his eyes still tired.

"Oh it's nothing you need to worry about Ace." I say placing a smile on my face as I look back at him.

"Stop with the lies. You can pretend all you want but I heard you crying." Ace bluntly says stating the obvious as he sits down on the kitchen table.

It seems he's not leaving until I start talking.

"Ok ok! I'll tell you, just be quiet alright? I don't want to wake up the others!" I whisper as I place my hot water on the counter.

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