Birds Nest ❦ ˎˊ˗

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It was dawn when my ship arrived at Dressrosa. I neatly organized my newly updated ship, locking all the doors before dropping on land. I finally made it to the country of love, passion and toys!

Before my feet could hit the ground, I starting 'flying' with quick speed towards the highest building, which I assume is the royal palace..

I close my eyes in fear, as I'm about to fall victim to unintentional bad luck. Before my body could face impact, my motion stopped landing on a soft material..?

Surely the buildings here aren't made of cushions?! I open my eyes for assurance, only to see myself on the lap of a familiar 10 foot tall warlord.

God.. for brothers, Corazon and Doflamingo sure were blessed with height... but that's not the point right now! What the hell just happened and why am I on Doflamingo's lap?!

"Ah! If it isn't my little princess." Doflamingo smirks, mockingly pampering me, as he relaxes on his fluffy throne with high authority.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I voiced my thoughts, as I wonder if the morning light is playing tricks with me. I'm 100% certain that I was just at shore docking my ship..

"Behehehe! Silly little girl, foolish enough to come all alone. Seriously didn't anybody tell you about danger? But don't worry, we're friends after all... it's stated here in this little contract of ours, hmm?" He deviously chuckles, letting go of my hand.

I jump off his lap and sprint out of this royal looking place as this all feels like a fever dream, but I was quickly stopped by strings trapping me in.

"Where do you think you're going?" Doflamingo laughs, slowly walking towards me, amused by my behavior.

"I'm trying to figure out how I flew here!" I yell paranoid, as it all feels like that one time I got trapped in the rainbow mist. I just don't want to experience that again...

"You're so gullible, it's adorable. I used my devil fruit on you, with the right amount of strings I pulled you in the birdcage and now you're here. It's as simple as that." He belittles me, toying around with my head.

"Release me from your devil fruit this instant. I'm getting tired of this endless bickering of ours." I give him a dead stare, already annoyed with the fact I can't move because of his devil fruit.

"How fascinating! Heh, heh, heh, heh!" he chuckles to himself in a whispery tone, enjoying the show.

"Did I stutter?" I sternly say, letting this moment pass with no consequence as he releases me from his fruit like I commanded.

"You're pushing your luck, princess...!" He flicks my forehead, giving me a sharp warning to stop disrespecting him.

"What can I say? I'm a lucky person by default." I tone down my attitude, but still speak my mind. I know better not to cross lines with this crazy psychopath, but I know damn well I'm gonna speak my mind.

"Interesting.. now shall we go enjoy this party of ours? After all you shouldn't be keeping our guest waiting for your arrival, Y/n." Doflamingo laughs, taking me further in the Royal palace where the guest are stationed near the pool having fun.

"What party?! You seriously got to tell me stuff beforehand." I follow after him, stern with my words as I don't take kindly to late information.

"Whatever you say sweetheart." He laughs, putting his arms around me as he introduces me to our so called guest.

"I'm not sure you understand the delicacy of this situation, Doflamingo. I am not your buddy." I push his arm off me, keeping distance between us. I don't quite understand his playfully add about attitude and I don't plan on understanding it any time soon.

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