Roger ❦ ˎˊ˗

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Ever since Shanks left yesterday Luffy has been really clingy towards me.

I began to notice Luffy's Constant presence always near me.

I found it cute at first but this behavior only started not just long ago and it's already getting on my nerves.

As much as I enjoy his company I think he needs friends his age.

Like I understand he's just a kid but I'm a whole grown teenager close to my adult years with an important job of nursing a patient and helping Dadan out.

I don't have the time to play with Luffy all the time if I'm busy working my ass off at home.

This hour just so happened to be the time Luffy decided to come pester me.

"Y/n, y/n! I'm bored lets go on an adventure!" He says pulling my sleeve as I was in the middle of carrying Corazon to the bathroom to bathe him.

I was against the idea as I never helped a patient bathe before nonetheless a GUY.

I really didn't want too...

Dadan was usually the one who helped bathe Corazon but today she had some business to go to so I have to do it instead..

I then get the brightest idea in my head.

"Hey luffy If you bathe Corazon right now I'll make you your favorite meal for dinner." I strike a deal.

"Deal!" He yells dragging Corazon to the bathroom. He didn't even take one second to think about it. I guess that's one benefit of having Luffy around, he can get bribed easily.

I smile as I go back to the living room, trusting that Luffy actually knows how to bathe.

After 30 minutes Luffy pulls up out of the bathroom with Corazon in new clothes.

I can smell the cleanness from here.

I can't help but be grateful I didn't have to change his clothes or bathe the man.

"Amazing job Luffy! Since you did your part of the deal go have fun In the woods with Ace alright? You'll be bored here so just have fun and later I'll come find you to inform you dinners ready." I smile at him, sticking to my promise of making Luffys favorite meal.

"Ok!" He grins running outside the house towards the woods.
— ❦ —
A smaller portion of meat will take around 30 to 40 minutes, but knowing Luffy is a big eater I'm doing larger cuts or full roasts that will take up to a few hours. After all I have to feed the whole family, Dadan, Luffy, Ace and me.

Corazon would be included but he can't eat solid food. Life is hard for people in coma for real. I would be damned if I couldn't be able to eat my favorite meals while I was out cold.

It's now been a total of 4 hours of cooking todays dinner. Everything was now ready to eat. I leave the food in a shut pot so the heat can remain inside.

I prepare the dinner table and get the drinks ready for later.

I take my time feeding Corazon his daily nutrition and liquid through the tube. As I finished up feeding him, Dadan finally came back home.

She sniffs the air already smelling the delicious food.

"Oh my! Were you the one who made dinner? I can already tell its gonna be amazing!" She asks.

"Yes indeed! What can I say? I did tell you I was a marine cook and doctor. I'm good at a lot of things." I say boosting my own ego.

She laughs amused by my reply.

"Right! Im so glad to have a ex Marine like you here! It's hard living here with two brats who wanna be pirates." Dadan sighs.

"I knew Luffy wanted to be a pirate but I didn't know Ace wanted to be one?" I reply.

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