7 | Realizations.

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Ultimately, Alexander and Thomas go back to working on the project.

Thomas reads the charts, and Alexander writes. Now, that sounds great in theory, but this is Alexander and Thomas were talking about. They can only try to make it work. Emphasis on try.

"Read faster, Thomas!" a very impatient Alexander insists. Thomas doesn't understand why Alexander feels so pressed for time. "You write too damn fast, Alex!" Thomas claims. Alexander scoffs. "Maybe YOU just read too slow."Alexander claims back. Thomas gasps. "Excuse me? I am doin' my best! Ugh!" Thomas crosses his arms and looks away from Alexander. Alexander rolls his eyes. "Its whatever, lets just get back to working."

"Always workin'. When do you ever stop, darlin'?" Thomas questions, half jokingly. When Alexander doesn't respond (Perhaps tired of Thomas' bullshit) and yawns, Thomas decides to check the time. When Thomas sees the time, his eyes widen, he almost gasps. "Alexander.. How long have we been workin' for?.."

"Hm? Like, a few hours.. Maybe fi-" he stops. Alexander looks at Thomas' watch and sucks in air through his teeth. "Oh, shit." Alexander mutters under his breath.

The time was 12:43 AM. Thomas and Alexander look at each other then back at his watch in utter disbelief.

"You had me workin' so long I lost track of time!" Thomas exclaims. "Now look. It's so late. Is this normal for you?" Thomas queries.

"Pretty much." Alexander responds, dead serious.

"How come your boyfriend ain't kicked me out yet? It's long past bed time, I'm sure of it." Thomas jokingly asks. Alexander is taken aback. "B-Boyfriend? Who? John?" A shocked Alexander asks of Thomas.

"Well, yeah. Y'all were all up on each other earlier - Don't think I didn't see, darlin'." Thomas continues, "Not to mention he called you his dearest over the phone~" Thomas teases.

Alexander's face starts to warm up at Thomas' assumption. Alexander is blushing so hard he can barely focus. He is very embarrassed.

He decides to get Thomas back. Alexander clears his throat. "If he was my boyfriend, would that be an issue, Thomas~?" Alexander asks while raising an eyebrow, and trailing his finger across the desk.

"Heavens, no!" Thomas exclaims quickly. "I was just wonderin'.." Thomas mumbles out that sentence, a bit embarrassed. Alexander smiles softly at Thomas' rare humbleness.

Alexander takes a deep breath. "John is just my friend." he starts. For some reason, a big wave of relief hits Thomas when Alexander debunks his theory. "Me and John have known each other for a long time, so obviously were close, Thomas.." Alexander says, in a know-it-all tone. Alexander crosses his arms.

"Oh, I see. But I.. I do have a question." Thomas inquires. Alexander tilts his head in confusion while waiting for Thomas' question. "While y'all were talkin' earlier, I heard you mention a divorce?.. I know it's none'a my business but.." Thomas questions, a little concerned. Alexander starts fidgeting with his hands and his breathing gets a little heavier. He thinks,

'Should I tell him?'




Alexander is at war with himself, he seems lost in thought.

"Alexander.. are you divorced?" Thomas asks, breaking Alexander's uncomfortable trance. Alexander taps the desk with his pointer finger.

'Say no. Say no. Say no. SAY NO-'

"Yeah." Alexander starts, almost shakily. "Yeah, I am divorced. It's.. It's a long story.." Alexander inhales deeply and blinks a lot so he doesn't tear up.

"You don't have to tell me, Alex."

"No, as my friend I want you to know."

Alexander's oversharing problem has not gotten better, it seems.

"I was married to Eliza. Elizabeth Schuyler." Alexander clears his throat. "We were married for almost 10 years before we.." Alexander stops and sighs while tapping the desk, looking away from Thomas.

Thomas frowns. He hates seeing Alexander like this. Usually he'd love seeing him sad; he'd get a kick out of it. But, now he feels bad for him, just like earlier.

Alexander continues, "Uhm. It wasn't her, really, it was me. I uh, did some things that you shouldn't do during marriage.. I suppose.." Alexander glances off and stares at the window.

Thomas wonders what those "things" are that Alex is mentioning. "If you don't mind me askin'.. what'd ya do to make her wanna part?" Thomas questions.

"I.." Alexander hesitates. "I cheated."

Thomas' eyebrows raise in partial shock. "Huh." Thomas says, arms crossed. "Ya cheated?" Thomas queries. He almost doesn't feel bad for him.

Alexander nods and looks at the ground. "She left me. She left me without a home and she left me with our kid! I begged. I pleaded, but to no avail.. She just up and left, Thomas. I was sorry, I was guilty, the blood was on my hands and I owned up to it! You know what she did? Left!" Alexander is getting more riled up as he speaks. Thomas notices Alexander's sorrow has turned to rage. He doesn't know if he likes this side of Alexander or not.

'Eliza certainly had a right to leave him, but leaving the kid too? That's cold.' Thomas thinks.

"That's why we live with John." Alexander says, shakily. Alexander tears up. Thomas notices and decides he'll change the subject. "Alex! I should go home, it's so late." Alexander rubs his eyes and clears his throat, then he questions; "What taxi will drive you out this late?"

"Hm? Huh. I dunno, actually." Thomas and Alexander stare at each other for a few moments.

"Wanna stay here overnight? You can sleep in the living room.. I'm sure John won't mind." Alex insists.

'I'm sure John WILL mind.. but it's whatever, really.' Thomas thinks to himself.

Thomas rubs his chin and thinks for a moment, then realizes this is his best option. "C'mon.. can you stay? it's going to rain out there, I don't want you getting hurt." Alexander pleads. Thomas chuckles. "Sure, I'll stay since you're basically begging me~." Thomas smugly says while smiling. A pink hue rises up to Alexander's cheeks. Alexander hated that shit-eating grin of his. Alexander scoffs and stands up. Then he goes up to the guest room, presumably to sleep, and Thomas hurries to the living room to lay on the couch.

Just then, it started raining. Thomas liked the rain, but he knew Alexander didn't like it due to his past experience.


That's all Thomas could think about.

'Alexander. His hair. His voice. His mannerisms. His clothes. His face. All so cu- I mean annoying. He's so annoying.'

'Ugh, the way he primps and preens. It's enough to make a man go mad.'

Thomas' face starts to get warm, unbeknownst to him. He keeps thinking about Alexander.

'He smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty. He's such an annoying.. person..'

Oddly enough, Thomas could feel his face heating up. He felt as if he had butterflies in his stomach when he was thinking about Alexander. Thomas bites his lip and thinks,

'Oh, fuck. Do I like him?'

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