17 | "..follow your heart."

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  Thomas and Alexander walk into Thomas' house, hand-in-hand. Lafayette immediately notices as he was in the living room. "My dearest friends, how was your date-?" Lafayette asks. Thomas glares at him. "I mean.. how was your outing?" Lafayette changes his question because Thomas is spooky.

  Alexander smiles. "It was lovely."

  Lafayette pats Alexander's shoulder. "Magnifique."

  Alexander yawns and he goes upstairs to get ready for bed. Meanwhile Thomas and Lafayette sit in the living room.

  Alexander comes back down in pajamas. "I just came down here to say goodnight-" Alexander says, softly, walking towards the couch. Thomas gets up and walks over to Alex. "Okay, good night." Thomas responds, hugging Alexander. Alexander hugs him back.

  Lafayette is still bewildered that his friends who hated each other a few weeks ago were now.. hugging. He ponders for a bit.

  'Why would Thomas be touchy with Alexander so quickly.. He's not even a hugger. Hmm.'

  Lafayette thinks, staring at Thomas and Alexander embracing.

  'Unless.. Unless he was attached to Alexander. How could he be attached to Alexander this fast.. unless..'

  Lafayette gasps, giddily. His french instincts never go wrong.

  After Alexander went upstairs, Lafayette called Thomas over to the couch. Thomas sits.

  "Thomas, my dearest friend. Are you in love with anyone at the moment?" Lafayette asks, getting straight to the point. Thomas is almost taken aback, but he's quick on his feet. "Eh, I suppose." Thomas responds.

  "Oh? You suppose? Who are you in love with?" Lafayette queries. Thomas glances off.

  "I.. Well, I.. Mm." Thomas cannot get words out, it's clear he's hiding something. Lafayette speaks, "You are in love with Alexander, aren't you?"

  "WH-WHAT?" Thomas practically screams, then he laughs uncomfortably. "A-Absolutely not! Where'd ya get that idea, Laf? Have ya seen me and Alexander's track record? He's barely my friend, led alone my crush." Thomas explains quickly, his heart racing.

  Lafayette smiles. "Mon ami, I've known you for years. I can tell when you're in love. In this case, you're in love with our dear Alexander." He explains softly. Thomas sighs.

  "Fine. You got me. I like Alexander."

  "Like?" Lafayette teases.

  Thomas huffs. "I love Alexander."

  Lafayette has a shit-eating grin on his face. "So when will you tell him, hmm?"

  "T..Tell him? Yeah, no. Telling him is out of the question." Thomas says, hesitantly.

  Lafayette raises an eyebrow. "But, why is that?" he queries. Thomas thinks for a moment. "He won't trust it." Thomas says, under his breath. "He jus' wont. Y'know? It's like we barely know each other because we spent so long hating each other."

  Lafayette ponders a moment. "Well, what's his favorite color?"

  "Green?" Thomas responds.

  "See? You know so much!" Lafayette jokes. Thomas chuckles, then he shakes his head. "What if he's not gay?"

  Lafayette rolls his eyes. "Alexander is my close friend. I will tell you that he is very, very bisexual."

  Thomas takes note, then he looks down. "It's not just that, Laf. He just went through a divorce. I dunno when, but I think it was recent because he's still torn up about it."

  Laf pauses. "That's right! He did just part from his wife, didn't he.."

  Thomas nods. "He probably still loves her. She is the mama of his kid, after all."

  Laf rubs his chin, pondering. He shakes his head. "I see the way he looks at you, mon ami."

  Thomas averts his eyes from Laf. "I wanna protect my heart." He announces. Laf nods. "I understand, but if he returns your feelings, your heart will be set free without the burden of protection."

  The room goes silent with only the sounds of Thomas' heavy breaths.

  "Alex looks at you like no other. He is infatuated." Laf reassures. Thomas stays quiet, glancing at him.

  "..but, if you don't want to tell him, you do not have to. All I am suggesting to you, my dear Thomas, is to follow your heart." Lafayette says, patting Thomas' shoulder. Thomas nods. "Okay."

  Thomas takes those words to heart the next couple of days. Lafayette's words play over and over in Thomas' head like a song that's on loop.

  "..but if he returns your feelings, your heart will be set free.."


  "I see the way he looks at you,"


  "..follow your heart."

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