29 | Arrogance and apologies.

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  "I'm not done with you." Thomas says under his breath, pulling on James' tie.

  "Woah, Thomas! Touchy today, aren't we?" James queries.

  Thomas drops James and huffs. Just then, Washington walks in alongside Alexander.

  "What is the meaning of this?!" Washington questions in his booming voice, meanwhile Alexander stands right next to him.

  Thomas, James, and the entirety of the commons stop what they're doing and look at Washington.

  "Apologies, sir." James says.

  "What on God's green Earth is going on in here? Are we savages?" Washington queries, quite loudly.

  "Sir, I can explain!" Thomas exclaims.

  Washington regroups and exhales softly. Alexander pats Washington's shoulder.

  "James, Thomas, my office. Now." Washington demands. Thomas and James have no choice but to oblige.

  They start walking to Washington's office, and Thomas is glaring at Alexander, who is walking at Washington's side.

  'What did Alexander tell him?' Thomas thinks.

  When they arrive, Washington takes a seat in his office chair and Alexander stands next to him looking down at a piece of paper.

  James and Thomas take seats across from Washington.

  "What is up with you two? First I'm hearing rumors around the office of Thomas, then Alexander comes in my office distraught, and now you two are causing a scene in the commons!" Washington questions, his voice booming. "What is going on?" he continues.

  James stays silent. Thomas is glaring at Alexander. "Distraught?" Thomas queries, wondering what went on with Washington and Alexander.

  "Not important right now. I want to know whats going on with you and James." Washington responds.

  "If you won't tell him, then I will. Again." Alexander says, pushing his glasses up. His glare on the boys is foul.

  'That fuckin' snitch.' Thomas thinks.

  "My reputation is being destroyed and all you care about is tellin' on me to your fuckin' daddy, Alexander? What are you? Five?" Thomas claps at Alexander.

  Alexander's face remains serious, he doesn't respond outwardly. But Thomas' words hurt him. Washington looks offended despite that not being aimed at him. He bangs on the desk.

  "Thomas Jefferson!" he yells. Thomas pauses and quickly glances at his boss. Washington continues, "This is not the time for that behavior!"

  "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir." Thomas mumbles. James chuckles to himself. "What's funny, Madison?" Washington queries. James clears his throat. "N-Nothing." he mutters.

  Washington sits and taps the desk as he waits for one of them to fess up. Alexander lets out a sigh.

  "James? Wanna tell me what you did?" Washington queries. James glances off. "Not necessarily-"

  Washington cuts him off, "Madison!"

  James yelps. "I mean, yes! I'll tell you. Jesus."

  James glances at Thomas, then back at Washington. "I posted on the social media page that Thomas had stopped supporting a certain subgroup cause. Nothin' special." he explains.

  Washington grunts. "Anything else?"

  "No, sir." James lies.

  "He's fuckin' lyin'!" Thomas exclaims. Washington glares at Thomas and shushes him before turning back to James. Thomas sinks in his seat.

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