9 | John's solution.

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  John wakes up around 9am and waltzes downstairs, planning to make coffee, but he is greeted with the sight of Thomas and Alexander on his couch. Sleeping. Cuddling, it seemed. He's pissed. John takes a deep breath and tears up.

  "Alexander!" John frantically calls out.

  Alexander yawns, stretches, and sits up, placing his hand on Thomas' chest instinctually. Alexander realizes what happened and he gasps. "John, its not what it looks like." Alexander claims in a breathy morning voice. He moves his hand. Thomas groans and almost rolls off the couch before Alexander catches him.

  John sighs. "He's your boyfriend, isn't he? I should've guessed." John shakes his head in disbelief. Alexander inhales sharply. "Thomas isn't my boyfriend. It- This- This was an accident.."

  "Oh, so you guys sleeping together was an accident?" John questions, unamused. Alex pauses and retraces the night. "I must've fallen asleep!" he explains. "Why were you two cuddling in the first place..?" John queries, obviously curious.

  Alexander goes silent and starts twirling his hair, uncomfortably. Alexander speaks up. "Why do you care?" Alexander queries. Before John could respond, Thomas yawns. Thomas looks up at Alexander, who seems distressed. "Alexander.." Thomas says as he sits up, rubs his eyes, and looks around until his eyes meet John's. They glare at each other. Alexander is mumbling to himself.

  "Johnny, why the long face? Hmm?" Thomas teases, despite just waking up. John's glare sharpens. "Don't call me that."

  "Someone's pissed." Thomas chuckles out.

  Alexander shoves Thomas with his elbow, basically saying 'quit it'. Thomas rolls his eyes. "What'd I miss? Why was John watching us sleep like a weirdo...?" Thomas asks Alexander, while tapping his arm.

  "Me, a weirdo? You're the one sleeping with my best friend, Jefferson." John claps at Thomas. Thomas raises an eyebrow. "I don't see a problem with sleeping with Alexander." Thomas says, in his low southern accent.

  'Fuck, he's so hot..' Alexander thinks.

  Alexander blushes but tries to hide it by looking away.

  John huffs. "Alex, I can't bare to see you with him. Like this.." Alexander meets eyes with John and frowns. "What do you mean by that, John?"

  "I love you, Alexander. I can't watch you with Thomas. I can't handle it." John says, under his breath.

  Alexander holds his breath. He didn't know John liked him.. even so, "Me and Thomas aren't together though."

  "You're lying to me." John accuses, tears streaming down his face. "No, I'm not. Why would Thomas be my boyfriend? Huh? That doesn't even make sense, you're accusing out of your ass!" Alexander claps back. John shakes his head. Thomas smirks at Alexander, proud of him for clapping back like that.

  John sighs. "Then why were you sleeping with him on my fucking couch?"

  "I already told you I accidentally fell asleep.." Alexander mutters. Thomas pinches his nose bridge. "John, get off Alexander's dick." he demands. John huffs. John storms out of the living room and up the stairs.

  Alexander sighs and frowns. Thomas stretches. "Hey, Alex. You did good, I gotta admit." Thomas says while patting Alexander's thigh. Alexander glances at Thomas. "Did I, really? I dont want John to be mad at me.." Alexander tells Thomas, quietly. Thomas was going to respond but John comes back, holding a suitcase?

  John takes a deep breath,

  "Alexander, I'm kicking you out."

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