The Strom

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Narrator's POV ♤

The tension in the room was thicker than ice spice.


No one dared to speak as everyone just stood rooted to their spot unmoving. Even as tiny as a roach was, it could have heard the humans above him blink every few seconds.

The screeching of the door was what broke the silence, as Rajauny walked in with his hands in his back pocket and his black Jansport bag, hanging from one of his shoulders.

"Good morning" the tall light-skinned male muttered as he glanced around the principal's office looking at all the familiar faces.

Natalia, Jordin, Dontae, Gabriel, and...someone who none of them knew. How did this concern him?

"In better circumstances, I would have called your parents to meet here to discuss. But Miss Blake I can't seem to get through to your mother" The woman sitting behind the desk looked through the top of her glasses, piercing her eyes through Jordin who stood to the far left of her.

"She may be busy at the moment... I'm not really sure" a timid Jordin muttered out.

Truth be told she was scared, she was afraid. Afraid of what her mother would do, especially her father. He took her academics very seriously, so she did everything in her power to not drop that standard. He wanted no lower than 90%, and that's what she gave him.

But now, the possibility of having to go through with a suspension would stain her clear record. Not once has she ever gotten in any sort of conflict with another schoolmate until now.

And she was terrified of what was to come.

"I'll still need to get in contact with her. Now to the problem at stake now." The principal eased her body from her desk, sitting in a straight and paused position.

Gabriel cleared her throat a little too loudly, earning a Sharp glare from Natalie. Who in turn got a roll of eyes from Gabriel.

"As I was saying. You all know what you did, I don't need to sit here and enlighten you over again. I must say I'm disappointed. Especially with you Miss Blake."

Jordin bowed her head in shame, looking down at her shoes as if they were the most interesting items in the room.

"It wasn't my fault I did noth-" The short girl was abruptly cut off from her sentence as the principal slapped the desk with her palm.

Natalia snickered at this.

"As the top girl in this school, I'm very disappointed with your behavior. You're supposed to set an example for your peers and you're fighting? This cannot be accepted Jordin." The woman's voice didn't waver once while speaking. Making sure to get her point across clearly and soundly.

Jordin didn't dare to speak again. She was so disappointed in herself that she let anger blind her. She was upset she had made this go too far.

Rajauny looked at the back of her head, somehow he could tell she was upset. And all he could do was give her a small look of pity, even though she couldn't see it.

Natalia on the other hand was reeling in this moment. She snickered here and there every few minutes. Happy she got a crack out of 'Miss Top Girl'.

The principal of course saw this, "And you Miss Reed over there skinning off yuh teeth like this is some kind of joke. Might I remind you this is the second time you've gotten into a fight? One more strike and you're out. Gone, right through the gates." The older woman's voice raised up a tone at every few words she said.

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