Anyone Can Be A Killer

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☆ Jordin's POV ☆


"Stop move yuh foot nuh gyal"

"Yah press e dung too hard it a sting"

"A alcohol Gabriel it suppose to rass sting, chro, yah mad mi"

I hissed my teeth irritated, dragged the rag laced with rubbing alcohol over her kneecap once more, then finally closed the alcohol bottle as she continued to hiss in pain.

"yuh coulda at least be gentle" I raised my brows looking over to Gabriel who was now trying to bandage the big wound.

I laughed out loud as I could see her grimacing face wincing every few seconds.

A neva mi sen har guh drop into.

FLASHBACK - earlier that day


I pushed through the bodies all scattering in each direction, trying my best to make it to Gabriel without falling and being trampled.

"Jordin?!?!" Gabriel's frantic voice shouted out.

From where I was busyling through the crowd I had a clear view of her. She was turning and scanning the crowd calling my name.


Another string of shots filled the air causing even more uproar.

I grabbed Gabriel's hand and twisted back around without saying anything.

Shit mi loss Rajauny.

"Girl move yuh legs dem faster and run nuh man!!" I whipped my head back, barking at Gabriel, then turned around to watch where we were going.

Gabriel's face was still stained with tears from her crying session earlier.

I want nothing more than to hug and console her, but it's a run-or-die moment.

Shots were sounding from all directions followed by screams and the loud trampling sound of feet as everyone ran around the red soiled ground.

All few people drop and mi deven could a laugh.



My running halted once I heard the shrill scream of Gabriel. My lips pursed as I watched her thick frame tumbling down the dirt hill.

Well, that's that.


"Yuh know mi still nuh understand how yuh even manage fi roll dung e hill" I popped a ritz bitz into my mouth and perched my legs on the arm of the leather sofa.

"Same bro same"

I laughed once more when I saw the tiny tears dwelling in the corner of her eyes.


My head turned in the direction the ding came from.

I know it's my phone because somehow Gabriel manage fi mek har purse loss when she a roll dung e people dem hill like empty barrel.

"Yuh see di purse weh mi carry?" I got up off the sofa and started to look around for the sparkly black purse.

"Mi deven did see yuh outfit suh wrong person yah ask"

I sighed.


"Dah black purse here?"

I snap my head over to Gabriel, and sure enough, she was holding the purse. I quickly walked over to where she was and then grabbed the purse from her, digging through its contents to find my phone.

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