Chapter 3 Curious Cabin

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I startle myself awake, finding myself in an unfamiliar bed, breathing heavily. Looking around me, I notice that I'm in a small, warm cabin, and I'm tucked in comfortably under heavy, colorful blankets. The bed I'm in is against a wall next to a window. Across the cabin, on the opposite wall, was a small kitchen setting. The stove was an old one, one of the ones that uses firewood. That's what is keeping this place so warm.

On top of the stove is a pot with a lid on top of it. My stomach growls at the sight of it. I do not remember the last time I ate, but my body feels empty, and I know it would do me some good to have something to eat. Seeing no one else around, I decided to get up and see what was in the pot, but when I tried to stand up, I immediately felt pain in the ankle. I twisted when trying to get away from the wolves. I sit back on the bed to take the weight off my ankle, and I look down, noticing that my ankle is bandaged. Taking a quick survey of myself, feeling here and there for any bumps or cuts, I see my head is wrapped, too. Surprisingly, the swelling in my knee is gone, and my head doesn't hurt as much as it did before. I also realize I am in different clothing: black shorts and an oversized tee shirt that was obviously to be worn by a man. That's when I remember the man that saved me. Where is he? I climb back onto the bed and look out the small window. It was snowing heavily now, and I could not see much. After a few minutes of trying to see beyond the snow out the window, the cabin door opens, drawing my attention.

I watch silently as the tall man enters the cabin. He hurriedly closed the door to avoid letting too much blowing snow enter the cabin, and then they turned to look at me. Face still obscured by the hood, they said, "Oh, you're awake."

I nodded my head. Despite not knowing who he was, his voice made me feel calm.

"Fear not, little one," he began, walking toward me, "I am the one who saved you from the hounds."

As he came closer, I could see just how tall he was. He had to be at least six feet seven, probably taller. When he reached the bed, he bent to my eye level to see my face. He then took off his hood and revealed his face.

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