Chapter 37 Unum Arm Potentia

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"What was that!?" Amara said in a panic.

"Look at the sky!" someone in the crowd yelled.

The sky was filled with Hellions with wings of all shapes and colors. The crowd of mortals began to panic; the ones up front near the gate began to push and pull on it, trying to force their way in.

"This is not good!" Omar said.

"Stick together everyone!" Veva yelled.

The Custos all change into their Larva and Power forms, ready to fight, and took to the sky.

"There are too many of them!" Salem said, gritting his teeth.

"Not to mention they are mostly Megera and Zozo," Terry replied.

"It matters not what rank they are! We have a job to finish," Umbra said. "Listen up, Larva ranks!" Umbra yelled to the Custos. "All close range combatants up front, support Custos in the middle, range attackers in the back protecting the mortals!" Umbra commanded.

Some Custos were skeptical, others frightened.

"You heard him, now move out!" another Power Custos said, flying past Umbra. And with that, the war began.

"This is such bullcrap! They just keep coming," Salem said as he killed a low rank Hellion.

"Don't get sloppy now," Umbra said killing three at one time.

"Whatever, old man, I could do this all day," Salem said, swinging his fiery sword.

Sonya had just taken out two Hellions but wasn't watching her back. A Hellion snuck up behind her about to claw her head off.

"Aqua Crus!" Natare yelled, stabbing the Hellion with her giant sword. The Hellion was impaled on her sword, and she smirked at Sonya.

"Looks like someone owes me one," Natare said to her. She engulfed her blade in water, killing the Hellion and turning him to dust. Sonya sighed in irritation. "So, it seems."

Near the crowd of mortals, the ranged fighters were shooting with all types of weapons, even a cannon.

"Pop, pop, pop!" Terry yelled as he hit headshot after headshot, instantly killing his targets. The mortals below the aerial battle were petrified at what was taking place above them.

"When is that damn gate going to open? They just keep coming!" Omar yelled.

Kara and Trina were holding on to Amara for dear life. Amara was immobile, looking up at the battle taking place above her. Omar and Veva stood in front of them, ready to fight, just in case. So far, no Hellion had come close to touching anyone in the crowd, but that could change, and no one was letting their guard down. A loud screech rang through the air and every mortal below covered their ears. When the screeching stopped, the sky went dark red. A giant worm-like Hellion came into view with multiple small wings covering its back. It had no eyes but a giant mouth that oozed green slime. Kara almost passed out at the sight of it. More Hellions emerged out of the worm's mouth to join the battle.

"Shit! They're going to get overrun," Omar said. The bell of the gate rang loudly, and a bright light came from a fixture above it. The gate began to open as the crowd made a run for it, trampling each other to get inside.

"Oh, thank God!" Trina said. "Come on, we gotta go!" She grabbed Veva's hand, but Veva pulled away.

"I'm staying right here until everyone gets in!" Veva said to her.

"I am too; you guys go. Get in there!" Omar said seriously. Amara and Trina were about to refuse but Kara grabbed them both.

"I got them!" Kara said, tightening her grip on Amara's and Trina's wrists. "Let's go you two," she said, pulling them away.

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