Chapter 18 Swimming with the Fishes

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Gabriel brought me outside for some fresh air. The ship had already set sail and the cold sea air felt refreshing. Way better than the stuffy atmosphere of in the bar.

"It's beautiful isn't it," Gabriel said, looking out at the ocean as he leaned against the rail.

"The ship certainly isn't," I said jokingly.

"It has character for sure," Gabriel chuckled.

"Gabriel?" I looked at him.

"Yes, sunshine?" He turned his head and smiled at me.

"It feels like we've met before. Like you know me on a more personal level," I stated. "So, do you?" I asked, staring into his golden eyes; he didn't blink once.

He sighed and turned back towards the ocean. "When we make it to Lux city, I promise I will tell you everything," he said softly.

"But why not right now?" I was a little bit aggravated knowing he was keeping something from me.

"You've been through so much in such a short time. I don't need to add to your stress right now." Gabriel turned and looked at me. His face looked remorseful.

"But—" I was cut off by a buzzing sound before I could make my argument.

Gabriel took out a device that looked like a cellphone, like the one I had seen Salem looking at earlier. Gabriel looked at the screen then back up at me.

"You have a phone?!" I said in shock.

"Not exactly. Stay here," he commanded before walking away and putting the phone-like device to his ear.

I turned from him and looked back out to the sea. It was beautiful and calming to be out on the open water, and it made it look even beautifier with the view of the sun beginning to set. I felt a twinge of guilt that we had not been able to take an earlier boat because of me. Had we been able to leave earlier, we would have had other passengers to talk with; maybe we would have been on a safer ship.

"Help, help!" a voice called out.

I ran towards the back of the ship where I had heard the call of help coming from and I looked around, but I did not see anybody.

"Help!" I heard the voice again.

I ran towards the right railing and there, in the water, I saw a little boy with green hair struggling to keep afloat.

"I'll go get help!" I yelled down to him, turning to run off to find help.

"Can't... swim!" the little boy yelled, splashing around. Suddenly his head submerged in the water.

"Shit!" I cursed to myself.

I took a couple steps back from the rail, then I ran and jumped headfirst into the frigid water. Grabbing the little boy, I quickly swam up to the surface with the boy on my hip. He was small, and I guessed he couldn't be any more than six or seven years old. Tightening my grip on him, I held on to the side of the ship so we wouldn't be stranded.

"Thank you," the boy said, his green hair covering his eyes.

"Don't worry," I said through chattering teeth. "I'll find a way to get back on the ship."

"We don't need to get back on the ship," the boy said in a voice that was completely different from the one I had heard moments before. Instead of a young boy grateful for having been rescued, he sounded sinister.

At the sound of his voice, I slowly turned my head to the boy. What I saw made my heart stop. The little boy's eyes were now black as coal and he was smiling with an evil grin. His teeth were razor sharp and his skin was turning a pale blue color. I immediately pushed him away and tried to climb up the ship, but I was pulled down by his hand. I elbowed him in the face and tried to swim away but I wasn't quick enough and he grabbed me again. How could this small creature have so much strength? He restrained both my arms and held me close to its chest.

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