Chapter 27 Exploring Eremus

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The seven of us walked down the dusty street of shops and vendors. Sonya and Natare led the group, while Veva, Trina, and Kara followed immediately behind them. I lagged behind a bit with Omar. I was lost in my own thoughts about everything. They called this place Eremus. There seemed to be a Latin language theme going on. It was all very old school religious.

Sometimes I wondered if I was dead. But if I were dead, why did everything feel so real? From the pain I felt at the hands of the Hellions to the warm hugs of my new friends, everything felt solid, it felt real. I shivered at the memory of the Hellion attack we had gone through on the ship. Salem had said that when we were in the city, we would be safe from Hellion attacks, but he still has not clarified what he meant when he mentioned a revolt. When I asked, the others had had no clue either. I guessed it was something very bad if Custos still hadn't told us what this revolt was they were expecting.

Looking around as we walked, I noticed a greater number of Custos here. None of them seemed relaxed, or to be enjoying themselves. They all seemed like they were on guard. Watching, waiting for something. Was it something to do with this whole revolt thing?

Salem's eyes turning red, even for a moment, was concerning too. I didn't want to ask the other and risk him getting in trouble; it was clear this job meant a lot to him. But still, it was worrying. I would just have to ask him about it when we were in the privacy of a hotel room.

"Amara?" The sound of my name snapped me out of my thoughts. It was Omar and he was staring at me with concern in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, yeah," I replied not wanting him to worry. "Just a lot on my mind," I told him, adding a small smile for good measure.

"Well, if you need to talk, I could hear you out," Omar said, blushing slightly.

"I appreciate that but really, it's fine. I was just thinking about things and zoned out," I replied. Omar was about to say something else, but Sonya interrupted.

"You two keep up; I don't want you getting lost in the crowd," she said loudly.

"Right! Come on, Omar," I said as I grabbed his hand.

***The Wild Shrine was a bar not too far from the docks that many Adjutors and Custos frequented for a deserved break.

"Why are we at a bar, Terry?" Salem asked.

"To see if anyone knows of a good inn," Terry said as he happily walked in the bar.

"Your friend is quite questionable," Umbra said following Terry into the bar.

The bar was packed with Adjutors and Custos. Where a dancefloor would be located in a typical bar, here, there was a boxing ring. The three men could barely hear from all the yelling and loud music.

"Why are we here again?" Salem yelled over the noise, looking angrily at Terry.

"I told you! To find someone that knows that knows where we can stay," Terry said, pushing his way through the crowd.

Just then, a drunken bear-man bumped into Salem causing Salem to push him back.

"There is no way these drunk bastards are going to be of any help to us," Salem said.

Umbra sucked in a deep breath and took in his surroundings. "I need a drink," he stated, and he immediately walked towards the bar.

"Wait don't leave me," Salem pleaded, trying to follow him, but he was interrupted by three women who stepped into his line of sight. One woman had the head of a cat, another had the head of a snake, and the third had the head of a hawk Their bodies were beautifully shaped with not a mark or blemish to be seen. The outfits they wore left little the imagination, barely covering their important lady parts.

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