Chapter 20 No Mortal Left Behind

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Salem held me for a few minutes as I cried. Eventually, I stopped, and I let go of him.

"Are you okay now?" he asked. His golden eyes glowed in the darkness of the room.

"I am fine now, thank you," I said with a small smile.

"Get dressed, I'll get you something to eat," he said as he walked out the door.

I jumped off the dresser and walked to my backpack which Salem had placed on the table. I noticed that there were new clothes inside. I decided to put on the black shorts and the oversized t-shirt. I wondered how these clothes had gotten here and if Gabriel or Salem had swapped out my clothes for me. The clothes in my bag looked like they were appropriate for a warmer climate. I wondered if that meant it was going to be warm wherever we were going. I made a note to ask Salem when he got back.

After getting dressed, I sat at the table and thought about Gabriel and felt a twinge of guilt in the pit of my stomach. I wondered if he was still mad at me.

Luckily, I wasn't able to wallow in my guilt for too long before Salem came back into the room forcing me out of my self-pity. He had a steaming plate filled with tacos in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.

"Oh my God, you brought me tacos!" I said, perking up at the plate in front of me.

"Authentic steak tacos," he nodded. "Extra cilantro and chopped onions, with the green sauce on the side." He smiled. "All on top of a flour tortilla." He grabbed a chair to sit with me.

I was barely listening as he talked. I was too busy squeezing lime on top of everything. The food looked amazing and smelled so good. Without worrying about appearances, and suddenly realizing how absolutely starving I was, I began stuffing my face. Salem watched me with a small smile.

"How did you know these were my favorite tacos?" I asked between bites.

He pulled out the same phone-type device that Gabriel had had earlier. Salem's was dark red with a black wing trinket hanging from it.

"A phone?" I asked, confused.

"Something like that," he said, showing me the screen. "This device gives me all the information I need about you so I can look after you most effectively." Salem held up the device and swiped through a few display screens to show me. "It is also a communication device like a phone, but the main function is to provide information about people, places, and things," he said, turning the device back towards him.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Sounds like a phone, Salem."

"Well, it's not," he replied, sounding irritated. "It's called an HD," Salem clarified.

"High...Definition?" I asked through a mouthful of taco.

"No, it stands for Holy Device."

"Okay." I nodded and swallowed the food in my mouth. "Can you tell me more about myself? Like my real name?"

"I can tell you a little bit, but not everything," he stated, getting up from his chair. He looked at me for a moment before looking down to the floor. "I can do your hair if you want," he said quietly.

"You can do hair?" I asked in shock.

"Why wouldn't I be able to do hair?" he asked confused.

He grabbed my backpack and started to rummage through it. After a moment, he pulled out a comb and a brush.

"It's just that boys don't usually do hair," I replied with a shrug.

"You mean mortal men don't usually do hair," he corrects, walking to stand behind me. He placed the comb and brush on the table in front of me. I heard the flickering of flame and the thing I knew the room was lit up.

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