Chapter 13 Get Your Weight Up

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Amara was sound asleep, and Gabriel went back downstairs to find Ted.

"She's going to sleep well tonight after such a great meal," Ted said with a smile. He was cleaning out a couple of glasses. The bar was empty, so he and Gabriel were alone.

"Yeah, thanks for looking out for her," Gabriel said, leaning on the bar. "I'm grateful Dunkel still knows his way to this place."

"That horse is just as smart as you, Gabriel," Ted said with a chuckle. "It's been a while since I saw both of ya."

Gabriel nodded. "I think the last time I was here we were expanding this part of town. I still don't like the fact you choose to build against the wall though." Gabriel frowned at his friend.

"I ain't scared of no damn Hellions; you know that." Ted said with his hands on his hips and a wide grin on his face. "You know," Ted, clearly trying to hide a smirk, looked pointedly at Gabriel, "I heard a rumor that a lady friend was keeping you occupied."

"Let me guess, you heard this rumor from my whore of a brother?" Gabriel said, irritated. "That damn idiot."

Ted chuckled. "Don't get upset. Your brother is happy for you. I think he's glad you were out of the slump."

"He didn't have to tell everyone," Gabriel said, putting his hands in his coat pockets.

"Don't worry, nobody knows who you or your brother are when you're in your mortal form," Ted said.

Gabriel sighed. "I guess you're right," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. He laughed humorlessly. "It's funny; you would think that hiding our true forms by disguising as mortals would have been an idea, we had much sooner than we did, but we only started doing it a couple thousand years ago."

"Things have changed a lot since you've been gone, my friend," Ted said. "The new generation of Custos act more like mortals. And even the mortals are different! It seems they're not as afraid of the true form of the Custos as they once were." Ted smiled. "So, you're on an escort assignment. That seems kind of odd for you," Ted said conversationally.

"Not exactly," Gabriel replied. "It's more of a monitoring the situation type of thing."

"Does it have something to do with the amount of Larva Custos on this escort assignment?" Ted asks.

"That's part of it," Gabriel replied with a nod. He stood up then and gave his friend a tight smile. "I have to go check on something, Ted, I'll be back in a minute." Gabriel said.

"Be careful, Gabriel; it's nighttime."

"You forget you're talking to a Dux," Gabriel said with a wink.

Ted sighed and shook his head. "Just as cocky as your brother."

"Hey! Don't compare me to him!" Gabriel snapped. He frowned at Ted, then walked out the door of the tavern into the cold, snowy night and toward the stable.

"Hey boy." Gabriel greeted Dunkel with a rub. As he removed it, Gabriel checked the saddle and saw the backpack Amara had left attached to it. "She is so careless," he mumbled.

"Hey thief," spoke a voice behind Gabriel.

Gabriel turned around to see it was the same Custos that Amara had been talking to in the tavern earlier. Salem. The tall dark man with the short dreads. Gabriel turned around with a measured expression.

"What do you want Larva?" Gabriel's voice was emotionless; his eyes gaining a slight red tinge.

"You know my rank," Salem said, eyebrows raised in surprise. "I guess you're higher up."

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