Chapter 25 Denial?

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Salem POV:

"I can't believe Omar and Veva have never had tacos before!" Amara said as she entered the small cabin.

"Yeah," I replied without really paying attention to her. I was glued to my Holy Device, still looking over her file. I sat at the end of the bed going over her file for what felt like the thousandth time. Had I missed something? Shanice Williams. Blood type: B negative; height: five-foot-six; hair: dark brown; being type: mortal; breed: unknown. Unknown? I had gone over this file before I met her and the breed would be updated, that it was just a mistake. But now? Now I knew there had to be more to it. I sat and thought to myself, considering ever option I could think of. I breathed a sigh of relief, though, when I realized that I was the only one with access to Amara's file, so only I knew about the unknown breed status. It would be troublesome if the others knew. Still, Gabriel had given me his word that she was mortal, so why was her breed unknown.

"I see you're in the same spot," Amara said to me. She had just walked out of the bathroom in her sleep attire. I startled in surprise. I had not noticed she was taking a shower the whole time I had been reviewing her file.

"Are you okay, Salem?" she asked, walking up to me, her face screwed up in concern.

I stared at her for a moment, searching for any clue as to her breed. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said to her.

"You sure? You've been quiet since dinner," she said, still concerned. "Is this about you not being able to defeat the Leviathan?" she asked, sitting down next to me.

"Hey! I did a lot to help out!" I replied in irritation. I felt bad for my outburst when I saw the look on her face. More softly, I said, "I just have a lot on my mind, that's all."

"Is it me?" she asks sadly.

"It's complicated, it's more than that, but yes," I replied, trying not to upset her.

She was quiet for a few seconds. "I mean, it would be cool to be half Custos." She smiled. "I would love to have cool powers and be able to save people."

I laughed a little. She had a knack for taking a sad moment and making it lighter, something happy.

"I wonder what type you would be?" I wonder aloud.

"Maybe earth, like Sonya, or maybe wind?" she thought out loud to herself.

"Well, it certainly wouldn't be water or fire." I chuckled to myself.

"Aye, that's not funny," she said, swatting me playfully. "Maybe I can be like Gabriel and be good at light or whatever," she spoke.

"You know, I could actually see that," I said as I laid back on the bed.

"Really?!" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah. You would be good at all the elements? Who knows," I shrugged.

"Is that what you want to be able to do?" Amara asked me.

"Sort of. I want to be a high ranking Custos one day," I said sitting back up.

"Like Gabriel?" she replied.

"No, higher. I want to be the highest of the high ranking; the one in charge," I said, staring into her brown eyes.

"Gabriel seemed to be the highest of the high ranking with the way he killed those Hellions."

"Yeah, but I mean in charge, in charge; like the one who gives him orders," I told her. "At the most, he must be a Centurio, maybe a Thrones?" I pondered.

"Well, whatever rank he is, I'm glad he showed up when he did," Amara said with a smile.

I scoffed. "We could have handled the situation without his help," I said, annoyed.

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