The First Letter

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[Noah Pov] i had really been liking cody, hes a nice guy, a geek, but nice. And honestly, kinda cute. I wanted to confess to him, but i was a bit afraid. I bet if word got around that he rejected me, duncan would kill me for being "a tryhard" so i had the perfect idea. A letter. I tend to have good handwriting, so cody should be able to read it, and besides, the letter can say its from "your secret admirer" so cody doesnt know who its from and im not embarrassed. I started writing the first letter when cody came up to me. "Whatcha writing Noah?" "Essay for class." "Your so boring noah.." "so what?" I smirked since he wasnt saying anything else. I laughed and patted his shoulder while he just looked at me in confusion. "Sheesh, your hands are cold noah." Cody mentioned. Shit. He better not find out about what happened in the nurse's office. "Now shoo gaps, i dont want you copying my answers." I felt bad having to shoo him away, but these letters had to be private. Which means even owen cant know. I started writing when Cody left.

            Dear Cody, hello, i wanted to tell you, i have a major crush on you cody, i really like you. I honestly think your funny, kind, nice and really hot. And dang, your the best, you know me well, but im afraid you wont like me back. So this is from your secret admirer, maybe a girl, maybe a boy, who knows?
From, Your one and only secret admirer. I grabbed the note and stuffed it in my backpack, Cody's locker is right next to me, convenient. I take the note out of my locker and place it in his locker through the holes they have in the lockers. I opened my locker and placed everything in there, i took out what i need for class and walked over to room 201. 3rd period Geography. One of my favorite subjects, next to math of course. I could feel my cheeks turn red as cody sat behind me. He looked at me with a smile, showing his gap tooth. He realized his gap tooth was showing and immediately covered it up. "Why dont you like your gap tooth?" I whispered to him. "I just dont like it much." He answered back with a louder but inaudible whisper. The teacher yelled at cody and i for talking and we just paid attention the rest of 3rd period. When lunch finally arrived, Cody went to his locker. I was next to him putting some stuff away. The letter falls out. Shit. Im starting to regret doing this. He picked up the letter and read it. "Ooh! I have a secret admirerer!! I guess she wants a lotta this!" He said moving his hands throughout his body. "bet that admirer will immediately ditch you after whatever that was.." "why are you such a downer noah?" I just shrugged.

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