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Chapter 16

After xavier and i kissed we went our own way. Talking to other people. But we still gave each other glances. I was talking to the king and queen of jina. They were such a sweet couple. "so as I was talking about. We don't have many warrior. But if you need our help. We be there. And for the rest of our people they can help you in other thing if needed". Jina was the smallest kingdom. That mostly existed of villages and farmers. But the people who lived there were the sweetest of our race. " thank you so much. And If you need my help. Anything. Just ask me and I will do what I can". The queen gave me a hug and the king Shaked my hand. They walked to some other group. But when I wanted to walk to lioso I felt something pulling my leg. I looked down and it was a boy. He looked around 6 years old. "are you nyrrea". He was adorabele. I bent down so I was his level. " I am. And who may this handsome young man be?". his shoulders went up. He looked proud. "i Am Dextar. I'm Xavier brother". Wow. Now he said it, i could see the resemblance. They had the same eyes and nose. It was like dextar was little xavier. " younger brother". A deep voice said. And i didn't even need to look. It was xavier. I felt the tension already in the air. I got up." he is my younger brother. My father brought him". xavier said to me. he turned his head to the little boy. "where is father". Dextar pointed to a group of me talking. "alright common". Xavier grabbed dextars arm and walked away. Before he was passed me. he bent down to my head. his mouth close to my ear. "see you later princess". And i felt my whole body tingling. He walked away with his little brother. I walked over to lioso.  He was talking with some of his friends. "lioso". he turned to me. " will you take this dance?". I bend to my knees a little and putted my hand forward. He laughed. "yes of course". He took my hand and let me to the dance floor". The song stopped and the singer started talking. "this is the last song this evening, so take a partner an get on the dance floor". Everybody grabbed their partner and started to dance. Everybody was dancing. Not even one person was standing still. Lioso placed his arms around my waist and we started dancing. We were laughing so hard. He made jokes the hole time.  "Xavier kissed me". I blurred out. His eyes turned so big. " wow. Was it good?". he laughed. "yes it was good'. I said between laughs. I looked over lioso shoulder and saw meave and axe dancing. And on the other side xavier and dextar were dancing together. They looked zo cute.  Lioso and I danced for a while longer but the music stopped playing. "sorry, queen duties". I laughed and walked away. I was standing at the doors. "thank you everybody for coming. I had an amazing time. I hope you did as well. But sadly even the fun thing must come to an end. so I will open the doors and you can all go home. again. thank you al so much". People were walking out of the doors. taking me for tonight. Saying they had a lovely time. everybody was out the place in about half an hour. Only Mascu, Axe, Meave and Xavier were left." You can go home now. I will see you tomorrow. Thank you for the help". I smiled. They left. But before Xavier could walk out the door I stopped him. grabbing his arm. "have you seen Aza. I haven't seen her all night". If she was in danger I would now. so I wasn't too worried about her, but still. "no I haven't she probably is in the forest or something".  I was standing against a wall now  and xavier was standing before me. he putted both his arms on the wall. Locking me in.  he moved his head next to mine.  "  I can't stop think about that damn kiss". He whispered. And my cheek flamed up again. he looked in my eyes now. "me neither". I said quietly. "maybe we need a reminder than". He said with a smirk on his face. "maybe we should". I was so nervous. But I didn't show it. that kiss was the best kiss I ever had. I really want to do it again. he lowered his head. his breath heavy on mine. And is seconds his mouth was on mine again. and it was even better than before. He held a hand true my hair and a hand on my waist, pulling me even closer to him. he pulled back from the kiss and said. "goodnight princess". And he walked away.


This morning I was going to train with mascu again. he told me we are going to train every morning. This time I was on time. "so what are we doing today?".  "try and control the shadows again, only this time without the anger". He laughed. " hahaha, very funny". I faked laughed. Last time  we did this I got very angry at him. " deep breath and focus". I  did as he said the last lessons. Take a deep breath and focus. I raised my hands. I felt the power running true my veins again. "it's working I can feel it "I said excited. "yes. Keep going". I did as mascu told. I saw xavier walking towards us. I raised the shadows out ground. I did it! "very good nyrrea. Now give it somewhere to go". I looked at xavier. Somewhere, someone. Basically the same thing. I moved my hand towards xavier. And the shadows follows.  He knew what I was doing and he was pisses. I laughed and blowed him a kiss. I moved my hands and xavier was now nothing but a black shadow. " that is enough". I looked at mascu. I sighted. I was just beginning. "fine". I lowered my hands. and the shadows went back in the ground. Xavier walked to us. "had your fun?". He said mad. "very". I laughed. He gave me a fake laugh. "what is it?". mascu said. "Just wanted to know how things were going. But i see its good". I smiled. "yes, she has progress. But she needs to train more to be able to be at her best". Xavier nodded. "now you are here". Mascu looked at me. "I need to tell you all something". "what do you mean". I said. I'm confused. "il explain. I just need everyone at the table. Is that alright?".
" yeah that is fine. Xavier get meave and axe in the throne room please". I looked at him. be he was already looking at me. "on it". he turned around and walked away. "come on". I said to mascu. we walked to the throne room together. I sat on my chair and waited for the rest to come. "where is your wolf mascu? now I think of it. I haven't seen him since we met". He turned to me. " he is private. Mostly likely is in the forest most of the time". that weird. Aza also is in the forest most of the day. "right". The doors opened and xavier, axe and meaved walked in. axe and meave were laughing together. "sit". I told them. They all took their seats. "so mascu, what you wanted to tell us". he took a deep breath. " what I am going to tell you I am not sure it is true". He is acting strange since he told me he needed to speak on something. "explain". The focus was on him. " you are queen now. but as you now. not of the hole world". Why is he telling me thing I already now. "yes. The king of loxe escaped. We still need to take him down". Xavier mentioned. He told me that the king run away with some other men when i first controlled the shadows in the battle to get  axe back. "yes that true".  Axe interrupted mascu. "after that she rules the world. So we just need to find the king". Mascu looked down. " you're not telling us something". I said to mascu. "after you take the king down. You don't rule the world yet.

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