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Chapter 39
I was covered in blood. So was everyone else. "aza?". I saw her across the battlefield. She had ripped people arms and legs of. bit their neck. She made a lot of people bleed. "with the wolves". alright. i saw axe. He was alive. Thank the gods. He was sitting on the floor. He arms were on the ground. Holding him up. I set beside him. "still alive?".
"barely". I laughed. He had a wound on his chest. It looked like it hurted as fuck. But it was not fatal. "I want to give you a hug, but I don't think you want wan". I pointed at his wound. " yeah, later". i petted his arm and stood up. "Nyrrea". I looked around. Xavier. he was walking over to me. "can we talk". I could not stop myself for looking for wounds, he did not have one. "yeah, come on". I walked over to some place private.
"you hate me". he was standing before me. he had something in his hands. it looked like a paper. I looked him the eye. "I can never hate you, I can only pretend". I hate to admit it, but it is true. I could never hate Xavier. "then you are a good pretender sweetheart". He has pain in his voice. But it was not of wounds. He handed me the piece of paper he holded. "I want to explain everything, why I did the thing I did. but I cannot say it, so I wrote it down.". I took the paper and started reading it.
I had found something people search their entire live for. Love. If there is love between two souls, pure love.
You don't ever give up on that. But I had to. to save you
but to do that I had to sacrifice everything that was most important to me.
Your trust, your laugh, your touch. your love. I am so very sorry princess. More than you could ever know. I know you read this with anger. At me. but I want you know, it was all fake. I did not betray you the way you think. I heard my mother talking to her husband saying that after you two are at peace, she will kill you. when you are at you weakest. and you know me, I could not let that happened. so I chose. I had to ley you go. to save you. I gained my mothers trust, when her husband dies. I became the leader. ( I will give it to Koa). my mother and I made plan ti kill you, for what you did. and for your rudeness towards her. when you said, face me across the battlefield woman, I dare you. damn. That was hot princess. If I did not need to play my part I would have kissed you. Anyway back to the point. I will come back to you, get on my knees, and beg for your forgiveness.
Ps: I love you, more than myself, more than anything. I would kill for you. I would die for you. you are my world. And I will destroy anyone and everything that hurt you, even if that is myself..

I looked up from the letter. And as he said. Xavier was on his knees before me. "please, forgive me Nyrrea". I fell to my knees. Tears spilling from my eyes. "it was all fake". He did not want me punished. He did not held me back from my journey. He did not betray me. he grabbed my cheeks. Wimping my tears away with his thump. "it was all fake". I kissed him. and by the gods, it was perfect. I held my hand in his hair. His hand were on my waist. And our lips were connected. "I love you". I said. my head to his. His eyes sparkled. "I have been waiting so long for those words". He kissed me again. "what did you whisper to your mother". By the look of shock on Samira's face, it had to be something bad. "I told her none of it was real. I do not see her as my mother, for everything she did. and that I never stopped loving you". i placed my arms around him. "Nyrrea!". I broke Xavier's hug and looked at who was calling me. it was axe. His eyebrows rose. I walked to him. " I see everything is fine between you two again". I shot him a glare. "I tell you later, what is it". Xavier walked up to us. standing beside me. "it is Mascu. he is hurt". Shit. "where". I asked axe. " battlefield". I ren to the battlefield. And there he was. Mascu was laying on the flour. People were helping him. I sat on my knees next to him. "Nyrrea". he said in pain. He held his hand on his waist. I removed his hand. He had been struck. There was a big wound. There was blood everywhere. I cried. Again. "what can I do". I hold his hand back to the wound and placed mine of top of his hand. "nothing". mythos was already lying beside Mascu. fuck. I felled a hand on my shoulder. "let me help him". I looked behind me. "xeneara". I stood up. "you are real". She had honey brown skin. Her hear in curls. She had on a golden dress. she was absolutely beautiful. " yes I am.
You brough me back. thank you". she placed a hand on my cheek. The sun was rising. And I felt it. the magic. The air, it was light and smell extraordinary.
The skies, beautiful. birds flying in the skies.
The grounds we stood on, not muddy and brown.
Green of grass and flowers. Nature was alive.
The story is real. I bowed before her. she was almost a god. She held her hand on my chin. "get up". she smiled. her voice, it was so gentle and kind.
"queen don't bow". "you are queen now". she laughed. "oh gods no. I am done with that. you. are queen. The person I new would bring be back. you are everything I imagined. I am back, yes. But I just want to live. Find love. Have peace". she walked past me and bent down by Mascu. she moved his hand away and put her on his wound. Light glowed form her hand. She put her hand of Mascu. his wound. It has healed. Xeneara looked at Mascu. and Mascu at her. "thank you". she bowed her head. "you will still need to rest for a couple of days, but you will be fine". She stood up and walked back to me. "thank you, Nyrrea. for bringing me back". she took my hands in hers. I did not now what to say. So just smiled. and took everything in. the new world. Xavier, who did not betray me. everyone was still alive. Xenaeara has come back to the world. I restores the peace of the world.

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