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Chapter 32
What. the. Acutual. Fuck. Quars came walking out the kingdom going towards us. xavier already had his hand on his sword, but not take it. "the queards are just for protection. U would know right?". I nodded my head. "please come on. we can talk that way". I looked the king in his eye. and did not catch a lie. I walked forward. Xavier did not even ask what I was doing, he just followed my lead. We walked in the hall of the kingdom. there were trees with leaves of ice. The ground of snow making the hall way. The leaves connected with aechother makinh it closes. It was a s beautiful inside as outsife this kingdom." do you want a tour". The king asked really nice. Maybe to nice.  "sure". He smiled. "oh I almost forgat. I am koa". He did not give me his hand to chakee. Good. "I am Nyrrea, this is xavier". xavier just gave a little nod and nothing else. "why did you say you were expacting me". I asked koa. he did not stopped walked. we were turnerd a left at the end of yhe hell. " well I heard the word a queen was taking over the kingdoms. And I knew I would be on your lisy, I just did not know when. But I can just not figure it out why you do it tho". Good. let it stay that way. "right". I gave as an answer. We took a righy again. and then walked out a door. we were outside once again. "I would like to show you something". We were walking in the mountains. And as deepers in we got, the more we saw of them. The ice dragons. They looked like real dragons of ice. There were like a statue. "how did these get here". I asked the king. Who stood still by one of the dragons. Placing his hand against the dragons head. "a long time ago, while there was peacu rulling these lands. There were dragons made out of ice rooming these lands. Protecting us. when the drgaons die, they turn in a statua of ice. They all died out. one day we woke up and they were all here.". koa pointed towards to mointaids. "now the only thing left of them, prove they eve excisted, are the statua en the frozen eggs, never to be hatched". For a moment I feel sorry for him. if he had bond with those dragons like I do with aza. I don't even know what I would do. "enough pf the sad stuff. I want you to meet my wife. She I wanting in the throneroom". he really was expacting us. how could this man be crual? He was so sweet. Once again we walked behind him. xavier was quiet all the way. We walked in halls. This place is so huge. But we ended up in the throneroom. like koa said. the thone was iron, but it looked blue. It was like there was a ice layer ont op of the throne. It looked... powerful almost. I yet have to see the brucas. Koa went to sit on his throne while a woman walking in rhe room. "hello my love, this is Nyrrea and xaveir". The woman looked like she had seen death. She looked at xavier. "xavier hayeson?". She asked. He voice was like she was boit to cry. Xavier did not show any emotions. "how do you know my lastname". Good uquestion. I do not even know that intill now. she came walking towards him. standing right before him. "because I am you mother". Uhm. Hold on a sec. mother? I tough she was dead. Xavier now looked like he seen ghost. Well. maybe he did."my mother is dead". His voice was calm. "no, that is not true. I left... when your brother was born. I had met a man, your father and I were not doing so good. I left with him. he was the king of the frose lands, I became his queen". She says as that is the best love story of the universe. Right. leaving you two son for a men. Best love story ever. " what is my mother name then". xavier was shooked. You could hear it In his voice. "samira". It looked like xavier stopped breathinh. He hugged the woman. "mom?". Samira hugged xavier tightly. "yes my son. I am so sorry for leaving you. please understand". So koa is xaviers mother- who is not dead- husband? But he looked so young? "I see you already met my son". samura said. oh. That explains it. "yeah I have". xaveir did not cry, but his eyes were glossy. " shall we talk". Samira extender her hand and xaveir took it. they went to another room. "so that is a surprise". Koa said. yeah you can say that. " now there are two prince In line for the throne". Koa is not king "what do you mean?". I walked further to him. "well xaveir is my mother sone. And see is queen. My father is dying, I don't think he will last much lomg'. I could see the pain in his eyes. "I'm sorry".
"xavier is older than me. so he could be in line for the throne". But he will not do that. right. what if he does. It would solve the problem of fighting an entire army of creatures. But we would live on the other end of the world. " let me show you the rest of the kingdom". koa offered. " ofcourse".
Koa had an hour long tour. It was borring. I would rather listen to me biggering about who gets the girl, than this tour. Atleat that is funny. we finally had come back to the throneroom. "so what do you think?", koa ask me as he stand before me.  he looke like xavier a little. Only koa had white hair. The same colours eyes tho. And, what I assume, is the colours of his kingdom, white and blue. "I loved it, you home is beautiful". it is. Only I did not to know about his grandfathers room. I do not every hall this kingdom. Xavier and Samira walked out the same door they went in. Samira looked so happy. Xavier did Aswell. But I knew him to well that it was fake.  They walked over to me. Samira grabbed Xavier arm. And proudly announced to everyone. " we have decided, Xavier will be the next king of the frose lands".

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