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Chapter 25


"this is going to be so much fun". Axe smiled brightly. 'we are latterly going to face snakes. Big as trees. for a distraction. And u think that is fun?". Axe and I wear on the front of the army. We were on foot. We went straight to the front Of fean. So all eyes were on us. so Nyra could destroy the throne without trouble. I had no doubt she will. " yeah. U forgot my raxi is a snake. I love snakes.". he was still smiling. I honestly could not tell axe and Nyra were siblings. " only these snakes are going to want to bight your head off, for lunch". I looked to him. and his smile fated. Good. what we are going to do, u want to have all your focus. Axe pointed forwards. The kingdom of Fean now fully visible. It was beautiful. if you didn't now, you would think the only thing that kingdom had was beauty. The kingdom was hidden in the forest. a river going to true it. houses were in the trees. And the trees were huge. From far away the forest look just like a forest, but from closer. There was an entire kingdom hiding within. We walked true the trees. everybody was quiet. Fully paiing attention to snakes. But there none. I raised my hand and pointed forward. A group of warrios went forward, while we waited. Exploring the place.  We were in the trees but if you walked a little bit forwark there was just  grass and the roots of the trees underground. And then I realized. That wasn't just ground. It was a battlefield. " everybody back now!'. I yelled to the group of warriors exploring the ground. But I was to late. a snake shooted from the trees taking one of the warriors in his mouth and going to the next tree. I looked up. you could see his entire body now flowing to the trees above us. I swallowed. That snake was huge. And they could hide in the trees. making them invisible.  The other warriors runed back to us. I turned around. Trees all around us. we walked in  their territory. Either we face them on opened ground, were we can see them coming. Or we stay her. Were we are hidden. I whispered loud enough so everyone could hear me. " we face them in the open, we will be able to see them coming". Axe grabbed my arm. My eyes going to him. he let go of my arm. " why the fuck would we do that. we are hidden here. there we are fucking prey".
" that's what they want us to think. They rule this fucking forest. there is no place to hide. If we stand there, we could at least see them coming". Axe looked like he was going to lose his shit. "not so fun is it". I smiled. He shot be a death glare. "lets go. quietly". I walked on top. To the open. Either way, this is going to be a fucking bloodbad. "gather around, make a circle". Axe was next to me. everybody was to eachother so we were making a circle.  Thank the gods I have more than the half of nyra's army. The circle was so there would be now surprise attack form behind. We all had our sword out.  I was Facing the city of Fean. "where is that damn thing "a guy said. "somewhere, looking at us. and just so everybody knows, there is an army of these fucking snakes hiding is the entire forest". as I was looking at the city I saw everybody being evacuated.  Well at least the distraction is working.

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