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Chapter 19


Xavier never left my bed that night. I know because I woke up in his arms. he was still a sleep. He looked so peaceful. His hair was messy. On piece of hair was on his forehead. I moved my hand towards the piece of hair and gently moved it away. Xavier grabbed my hand and he kissed the top of my hand. "Good morning princess". My heart fluttered. "Good morning". I kissed him. I pulled back but Xavier putted his hand on my head and pulled me in another kiss.

"did you know you snore?". I grabbed a pillow and threw it at Xavier's head . "I do not". I laughed. He putted his arms for his head. He laughed as well. He grabbed the pillow form me and placed his arms next to my head. him on top of me. " I'm kidding sweetheart. You are beautiful when you sleep". He placed a gentle kiss on my lips. This was the best morning I had in a while. But reality awaits. " I really don't want to get out of bed, but people are waiting for us". I said and Xavier groaned. "Fine. Just one more minute". He spined us around. Me now on top of him. He had his arms on my waist and on my head. I was hugging him like a teddy bear.


After half an hour Xavier and I finally got dressed and walked out my bedroom. We were walking towards the throne room. Xavier opened the door for me. "well thank you". He smiled. Meave and axe were running in the palace. They saw us and stared walking. " Had a good night?" I joked, she blushed " I can ask you the same thing to". Maeve laughed. It was obvious my brother and Maeve liked each other. I was so happy for them. Axe and Xavier gave each other a nod. We all walked in the throne room. Mascu was waiting for us. "You are all late". He was already sitting in his chair. Grumpy much? "I know. Wont happened again". I said while looking and Xavier. but he was already looking at me with an evil grin on his face, knowing exactly that he was the reason we were late. He didn't let me get out of bed this morning. I went to sit in my chair. "Alright. Updates anyone?".
" The warriors are ready to fight. You just have to give the command". Xavier said. "Very good, thank you". We have each other a glance. I saw a little smile on his face before it went away. " The people are good. Some of them have questions about the revenge plan for your parents, but for the rest they don't have complaints". Meave said. " I will answer their questions as soon as I can". Meave nodded. "I need to show u something. Private". Mascu told me. Something strange was in his eyes. " That is fine. you can show me after the meeting". I wanted to tell meave about when I was able to tell the people before Mascu interrupted. He stood up from his chair. "Now". he spoke up. I looked at him. " Wach your tone with me. I still am your queen". He looked down. "Sorry my queen. But it is really important". He looked worried. Mascu is never worried. So It has to be something important. "fine. let's go". I stood up and Mascu did as well. " You all wait here until we come back. In the meantime, think of a plan to find the rest of the men of Loxe, the king and to find the map. Understood?". Mascu, Meave and Xavier nodded at the same time. I pointed my head and my hand towards the door. "lead the way". Mascu walked to the door. we walked in quite. We were out of the palace. "where are we going mascu?". he looked at me. " the forest". Why does he want to talk in the forest? I dind't ask quietsions. Yet. I just followed him. he was walking fast. I got an headache suddenly. I touched my head. everything turned dizzy. "we have to move faster". I am going to faint. I grabbed mascu arm. "mascu you tell me right now. what. is . going. On". he pulled me forward and walked. "you will see". He was acting strange. Well. He was right. we were there. And if I didn't already almost faint. I would definitely now. my raxi. aza. Bleeding. On the flour. Hurt. I run over to her as fast as I could. She was laying down. She blead from her leg. "what is this". I looked to mascu. Aza, please?. She didn't respond. Mascu wasn't responding. My headache only got worse. I haven't even notice the wolve lying beside aza's head. a black wolf. Mascu's wolf. I only saw him ones. The first time I saw mascu. "mascu answer me now or I swear to the god you won't see the light of day ever again!". I putted my head on her body to check her heat beat. Slow. But there. "I don't know what happened. I went to check on mythos. And I found them like this". mythos. His wolf. Found? I stood up. "So you are telling me you found my raxi. like this!". I pointed to aza."and didn't tell me right away?". he looked so calm. Like this bothered him not at all. " I looked for you. Couldn't find you. So I told you as fast as I could. But my queen. How long haven't you felt her?". Fuck. How stupid am I. I have been so busy with my powers, the revenge for my parents, Xavier. I haven't noticed I didn't feel my own raxi. " how long?". He repeated. "Since my coronation". I am so mad at myself that I didn't realize. If mascu hadn't found her. Gods now what could have happened. He walked over to me and grabbed my arm. He smiled. "this isn't your fault. She turned your connection off. So you wouldn't worry.". how could I have let this happen. "what do I need to do". there is something I can do right? to help her. " take her to a doctor. She will live. It is only her leg". He turned around and walked away. but before he was out my eye sight he stopped. "maybe you need to focus more on your raxi. Than letting that hate you have inside consume you". And he walked away. I grabbed my self together. And turned to aza. "can you watch her for a moment?". I asked the black wolf. Mythos. He blinked. I guess that is a yes?. I runned to the village. I walked in the house to find the doctor. "Doctor!". there were no people in the waiting room. a little man came out the door. he had a beard. He looked old. "yeah yeah. What is it". he said while he holded a book about some urbs and placed his glasses on his head. He looked shocked. " I'm so sorry my queen. I didn't know it was you. What can I do?". " come with me please, it an emergency". He grabbed his back and followed me. the doctor we had in town was also a doctor for animals. "my wolf is wounded please help her. I'll pay anything, I'll give anything". I sat down besides aza. " were is her wound". I pointed to her leg. " here. but I don't know if she has anything else". The doctor placed his bag on the ground and took some stuff out. Mythos hasn't left aza. I mummed a thank you to him. The doctor looked for injuries around her body. And after he couldn't find anything he closed the wound on her leg. After an hour he was done. "she need to rest and keep her leg of the ground as much as people. But she will be fine". Thank the god. I hugged the doctor. "thank you so much". He patted my back. "its fine". I pulled back from the hug. "what do I need to pay you?". He packed his bag up. " it's all fine. I don't need anything". "please. Name a price. I insist". I said with a smile. This man helped aza. I'll give him anything. "or something else. I doesn't matter. Say anything. and I make sure you get it".
"well, there is something".
"what is it?".
"my son. he has this big dream since he was little. That he will own a horse. he always was in the stables. But never had a horse he could call his own. Just like u my queen, he doesn't have a raxi.". This man could choose anything he ever wanted, but he choose to fulfil his sons wish. That is a great man. And a good father. " well. Let's make that dream true. Let you son pick a horse of his choosing and it will be his. U can ask meave to help and if there are any problems just come to me". the man smiled so bright I might think his face would break. "thank you. Thank you so much". He took my hand and Shaked it with both his hand. "thank you". The man let go of my hand and took his bag and left the forest. I sat beside aza. And waited till she woke up. waiting under the dark of the night. And the light of the stars.

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