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Chapter 28


I was sitting in a inn. In Ramuca. Ramuca was a small kingdom. their was the palace in the middle of ramuca. Around it was houses and shops.
Nyra  decided she wanted to go here the day after she killed the king of Fean. So we did. I and some other warriors were now  in the city, exploring. Nyra told me that after an hour she will meet me and the other in this inn. The warriors that were with me were also in the bar. Some together. Some alone like me. nyra want to attack from the inside. She told me ramuca has lions as ther creatures walking around the city. The fijara, the warriors of fire and the rider of lions. They are fearless. Described death on earth. How lovely. The fijara are protecting the palace. The lions the city. A book nyra had read said that in the palace are lions as big as bears. Maybe even larger.
The plan is that we hide ourselven as villagers. Me and the other warriors have found places were we can attack. Now we just have to wait for nyra.
A group of men came waling in the inn. There took a place before me.  one mas was laughing."yiu have heard about that queen. What was her name again. Right Nyrrea. She is a mad woman". How in the gods do they know that?they all started laughing. As was i. they noticed me. I was sitting in the dark corner of the inn behind them by meself. "she is not a made woman. But she also isn't a woman  who is never mad'. The man nscruinched is eyebrows together in a look of confusion. I love messning with grown ass men that belittle a woman. "what is that supposed to mean".  The man said.
"it means. She is a woman who can bring down your enemy in a blink of an eye, if you stand with her ofcourse. But if youre not. She can be a woman who brings down the worst on you if you stand against her. and you my friend, are the last one". And as it become quit, everything turned dark. My girl is here.
I heard the men voice scream and his friends. they became quiet. And everything cleard. Nyra walked true the door with three of her warriors behind her. everyone got scared."tell your friends,someone has come to save all of you". she said as she took  seat besides me. people runned out of the inn. "why did you kill them?". I looked at the group of dead men bodies. "I heard him  say a bad thing about me". she smiled as I laughed. I looked at her. so beautiful, her eyes, her hair, her smile. Everything. Im falling in love with her. she just does not now it yet. " so what now". the other warriors walked over to our table. " everyone is in place. Their acting like they are a citizen of the kingdom. we wait intill there is so m uch chaos the fijara comes out. we take them out. kill the king". Good. good plan. "you all go in the city. You know the plan". she told the warriors. They walked out the inn. "and me? what am I going to do?". I asked her. "I want to visit someone". She stood up and walked out of the inn. I walked behind her.
"you know someone who liver her". I was now walking besides her." sort of. There is an old woman here. she lives evrywere, but nowhere. She has a thousand names, but none. She is wise, for a prise". She explained. What is she talking about. "here". we stood before a shop. It is a truth teller shop. "that old woman, she lives here?". I pointed to the shop. Nyra looked at me. "the books say yes. I  want to know the history of the world". She said and walked in the shop. As the door opend there was a ring. Form the bell above the door. I closed the door behind us. u could not see inside the shop or out. the old woman was sitting by a table. it was dark in here. the only light was the candle on the table. I could see urbs and spiced on the wall. Among other things. I think I don't want to find out what it is. "sit". The old woman said. there were two chairs. Nyra and I sitted down. "I want to know the history of the world". Nyra asked the woman." Finally you have come". The woman said. yeah this shit creeps me out. the woman contuid." Our lands, ones they were beautiful. connected. Under one ruler. There weren't seven kingdoms, just one. People were untied, free. The ruler was kind, wise and powerful". Who could ever lead a hole world peacefull?  "who was he?". I asked. The woman smiled. "not he. She". She? "her name was Xeneara, also called Xena. She was worshipped like a goddess. Xeneara had powers. None ever seen before. Before her, now one had powers. She ruled the see and the sky. The sun and the moon. the day and the night. Fire and water. she was beautiful. the gods choicen one. She had a little bit of every gods and goddess power. People prayed to be on her good side, if you weren't..." the woman laughed. Her laugh was a sound I have never hear before. It was crual. " death was a dream in your sleep. But one day her lover got killer. She hunted everyone down who hurted her. the peace xeneara had made was gone. She dissapeard. The last thing she left us was a sentence.

I will return when kidness, power, love and forgivenees are truly, in someones heart.

No one understood what she meant. the sevenkingdoms were created. They ruled like gods, but they had no power. Never there was a woman on the throne after xeneara. Until you". she said to nyra. "xeneara's power runs true your veins. How do you think you have those powers?". If I did not already had a headache. I certanilu would have one now.  nyra asked the woman. "her lover was a woman?".
"yes, Xeneara loved man and woman. She choosed hearts. Not for what they looked like". Fastneting. "how does her blood run in me. is she my ancestor? And how is that possible if I have deva's power?". Nyra certainly was as confused as I was. "the power of deva run is you yes. But only someone with Xeneara's blood in their veins, a heart like hers, protecting like hers, loving like her, powerful like her,forgiving like her, kind like her, shall have those powers". This woman speak is rittles."that does not explain the blood , there were also people before me with powers". Nyra said. " do they live now?" The woman ask. Nyra shook her head."because the power turned them in what Xeneara hated, what took her lover from her. you are the only one aliva". The woman said. she said nyra confusing so she contuid. "what I am saying is, deva chose yo give her powers. Xeneara chose to give that power to you. you are what she believde what needed to excist to untied the people again. you are the one that can bring the people together". No pressure for nyra at all. "I have heard this before. Six kings, one queen". I spoke. The woman nodded her head. "there were a small group of people who believed xeneara's words and new someday she would return. They talked story's, worted books. So people would believe".
"what do I need to do". nyra said.
"kill the kings, reunited the people. and xeneara will return". Id she returns, what will she do. now one has seen her for senturies. Maybe she wont be the same. Or she is death."what happens when se returns". I asked the woman."no one knows. maybe she wont even return. But fi she does.the gods will be with her. evything will change.the world as you know it was nothing like before. Some say you could feel the magic in the air, nature was always alive. The status of the people xeneara did not care about. there was peace. Do it for that world".

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