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Chapter 22


"hello. I have been looking for you". I said towards his king. His men. Not more than fifty. Being cowards and hiding in a corner. The farthest away from me. hiding behind their king. I bent down. so I was face to face with the king. But he doesn't look me in the eye. " I never got you name". I smiled. " Ty- tyemis". He sad while shaking. I took my knife out of his pockit. Twisting it around. " well tyemis-" a name that soon will be forgotten. "you know you have killed". i smiled. Again. " your parents". he said with as much braffery that was left in him. " yes". My smile faded. "you killed my parents". I want him to know exactly who he killed and who will kill him. "you know who I am". And finally he looked in my eye. " nyrrea Navarro". that's right. I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me until al I could see was black. " now run you fucking bastard. because if you don't I will skin you alive". He dind't even heard my last sentence because he gont on his feet and run away from me. form death. But death will always catch up. I let the shadow rome freely. And everything turned dark. You couldn't even see a wall. I walked out od the space the king and the men were in. I close my eyes again and let my night vision in. I could see them. There were walking by the wall. Trying to find there way out. but their only way out is towards the light. Towards the beginning of the cave. The couldn't see but I could. And the game has become. I am going on a hunt.

I was slowly walking behind them. Keeping them In sight. But not noticeable. " get ready aza". I heard a howl in my head. I have been waiting for weeks for this. I won't let them escape. Not again. I pulled a shadow forward and grabbed a leg of one of the men. I dragged him towards me. screaming came in my ears. He was laying before me. I took my knife and slit his trout. He chocked on his blood. The king and his men were running faster now. Good. I turned around a corner and I found light. We were at the beginning. I let the shadows come back to me. slowly everything became light again. I locked them in. I was standing before them. " you have two choices-" I raised two fingers". Either you fight me. or you jump". I smiled evilly. As I tough they would. the king screamed to his me. that they need to jump. They jumped In the waterfall and in to the river. Like a mouse in trap. I walked down the stairs were Xavier and I walked earlier. after a couple minutes I reached the bushed and moved them to the side. Xavier was waiting for me. "I heard them scream even from hear. What did you do". he laughed, but also looking kind of scared. "nothing they didn't deserve". I walked forward and Xavier was walking next to me. "is everybody ready?". " never been more ready". I nodded my head. we walked to the river. Where the king will be waiting. Xavier told me one of his friend could help getting them out of the river. He told me he had a raxi that lived in the water. he described a creature that had big teeth, as sharp as a arrow. A body as strong as a bear. Fins as a shark. It scared the hell out me. I was glad I didn't need to see the part where that creature scared them out the water. we had reached the river. And like I planned. The king and his men were surrounded by all my people. And aza before them. Showing her teeth. Show off. "I heard that". oops. I laughed. Xavier raised a brow at me. "aza". I smiled. I walked to aza and stood beside her. Before the king. Again. " you're a fast runner you now that". I joked. He spit in my face. "go to hell". My people pointed there sword towards the king. I raised my hand and the pulled back. I whipped the spit of my face. "oh sweetheart. We don't have an hell. Only mijrja, where you eternity doesn't exist of sunshine and flowers. But pain and suffering. But I will give you a fate worse than that". now he held his mouth shut. " people!". I screamed. Everybody became quite. " have your fun. I don't care what you do. but the kings is mine". I held hadn't took my eye of the king while I spook. And with that. my people dragged all of the men away. until only the king was left standing. " have you met my brother yet?". He shook his head. "well. He would love to meet you. Axe?". I yelled. Axe walked over to the crowed. He was cover in blood. He had the look of death. It even scared me. " do what you want. But I want him alive and able to see and talk. The rest I don't care. Have fun". I walked away. turning my head towards them. And the quit of the land. The sound of birds singing. Became scream and swords swinging.

Aza was with my people. Killing the men that stood against us. I was at the tents. Talking to some of the woman here. About what problems they had and what I could do to help. "just so you know. we are coming back". Aza told me. and not even a minute afer a whole army came walking back. Cover in blood. Smiling. Not only did I get my revence, so did they. By brother was dragging the king to me. he shoved him to my knees. "living, talking, seeing. Just like you wanted". I looked at axe. He surtenly did have his fun. The king missed one eye, a couple finger, I think his legs were broken, as were his arms. "had your fun". Axe smiled evelily."you should have seen Xavier. he was a beast". He laughed. I looked to find Xavier among the crowd. And I did. I met his gaze. He was even more covered in blood than my breather was. He had a sword in his hand. His shit was half open. And oh did he look beautiful. he smiled to me and I smiled back. Butterflies are flying in my stumic just by looking at him. is it wrong to feel that after somebody just killed people? No I don't think so. I looked back at the king before me. and then back to my brother. "can he even speak?". He smiled. "no". he said smiling. He was proud of his word. I shook my head.  I bowed down so i looked the king in his eyes." tyemis, your name will be forgotten. Your victory will be a story nobody will ever believe. U will not be in history. Like u haven't even existed". He didn't even cry. He looks closer to death than to life. I grabbed my sword. I stood up from my chair and stood behind the king. I took my knife towards his head and slit his throat. I bowed down to his ear. " may the god welcome you". I may be evil. But I do wish, even for my enemies, that they enter eternity and be happy. You action on earth are just a fraction of who you are when you enter eternity.  I rose up and stood before my people. "Tyemis is  died. I have prevented my parents, we all have. That can now rest in peace. And live in eternity". Everybody bowed their head for respect. I walked to my brother. "what have you done with his men".  I stood next to him. watching everyone fiest. "we left them there. Like the trash they are". I closed my eyes. I love my brother. But this is why he cant lead such a big army. I took a step forward and turned. Standing before him now. " in your eyes they are trash yes. But they are human, axe. They have families, feelings and mistakes. Just like u. I hate them to. but just because of our hate. Doesn't make them a less of a person.". I looked at him. but he didn't say anything. I went to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. "you're a good person, xio."sister. I walked forward and placed my arm around his waist, hugging me. "I love you big brother". He placed his arms around me Aswell. "I love you to".  I pulled back. i walked away to xavier. he was with his friends. He saw me coming towards him. but I didn't came for him. I turned towards his friend. "does your raxi eat... human?"


I send  xavier, his friend and some other people to the river. Where the men bodies were. Xavier friend found my request weird but he agreed. His raxi does eat human flesh. I told them that the raxi can eat them. So the bodies were gone. Axe walked over to me. " seriously. That raxi of xvaier friend. You let that eat the bodies. But laying them there is bad?". I raised my shoulders. "animals need to eat Aswell". He laughed. "sure sis". He walked away to meave. Giving her a hug and a kiss on her head. cute. 

Xavier and the rest came back an hour later. Everybody was still drinking and talking. I stood on a chair. "everyone I need to tell you something "heads turned to me. " mascu had informed me that there is something beyond the kingdom of loxeadi. People. Kingdoms. More lands.". people gasped. For centuries we only have now that the world ents after loxeadi terrarium. It even said so in our oldest books. " He also told me the people are suffering under they leaders rule. I don't want to make any decisions you all don't agree with. But I want to help those people. Set the free from they leaders. Maybe take over some kingdoms". I joked." I want you to raise you swords if you are with me".  al the leader from the kingdoms raised there swords. everybody else did as well. " well then it is settled. We are going on a adventure." People cheered. "but first. we are going to  loxeadi. There are supposed to be maps and story about these kingdoms and lands. I am not sending you out there without any knowledge. So for tonight we camp here and tomorrow we ride". I yelled and everybody cheered. I stepped down from the chair. And I felt some hands on my waist. Xavier. I turned around to look at me.  but he kissed me. "you did good out there princess".

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