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Chapter 23


We putted up camp and slept near the cave last night. En this morning we rode to Loxeadi. And now. I am standing before the doors of the kingdom. "open it". I yelled. The door could only be opened from the inside. So Maeve and axe went with a small group to get inside the kingdom and go to the door. they opened the door and we walked in. it looked all the same as the first time I came her. With Joaquin. I kidnapped meave.
I walked towards the palace. The place where the king stayed. His kingdom was not big. So I didn't take long. The whole place looked abandoned. Empty. It was a place without love. You could feel it.
I open the doors of the palace. Shit. This place was huge. I made a mistake to think his palace would be smaller than his kingdom. His palace is almost as big as his hole kingdom. I need to find a library. And I am not even inside and I already see a hundred doors.
"shit". I looked to my side. And it was xavier.
"yeah you could say that. find meave will you?". I asked him. he walked away, so I guess that was a yes. I walked true the door. this palace looks ancient. It looks like it was made by gods. The details, the colours. It is beautiful. there was a long hall way. In the end of the hall was a long wall with windows near the ceiling. You could go right or left. In the hall were all these doors. nothing else. " beautiful isn't is". Meave walked in the door and stands beside me.
"it is, shame it was in the hands of a bastard". I turned to her. "where is the library". She walked forward. To the end of the hall. And then left. There was a huge door at the end. next to it, pillars with fire. Meave walked to the door and opened it half before she said. " good luck". She now opened the door for me so I could walk true. And I could not believe my eyes. books. So many. The walls were filles with shelves of books. There were tables were one could study. I just saw the beginning of the library. There were even two story's. I walked further inside. I turned. The library was the same length as the entire palace. Huge. "meave, would you possibly now where to find what I'm looking for", meave walked over to me. " possibly, but why don't you ask people to help you look". When we found the palace I told everyone to sit, drink, talk. Surge the city. Whatever they want. They have been true enough for now. they need to spare their energy because I had a feeling this was just the beginning.
Meave had showed me where to look. It was helpful, but I still had to look for more than a thousand books. By the end of the day I had found all the books I needed. I had also found letters, send between the kings of Loxeadi and the other kings. I claimed a table and settle in. The night was going to be long.
I started with a book about how the kingdoms had come. The land where we were standing on, was a forest. Miles and miles of trees. but people had destroyed the power of nature. Build kingdoms and cities. lost the balance with nature. There were build 6 kingdoms, Fros Lands, Kingdom of The wolves, Fean, Rava, Ramuca and Loxeadi.
The story was thousands of years before my people rebled against Loxe and build their own kingdoms, so ours were not on the maps.
"where are you?". someone has woken up. after aza had destroyed the body's of the kings men of Loxe. She and mythos had gone to the forest. I didn't see them sinds "palace, Library". I said to hear and continued my study. After a half our she came walking true the doors alone. Mythos properly went to Mascu. she walked to my table and sniffed the books then walked to me. "anything useful?". Aza sat down beside me. "yes actually, I tell you later". she now laid down and didn't say anything else letting me focus. I took another book and continued my search.


I had read all night long. All the information that possible could be to any use was now in my head.
I found out the kingdoms were indeed ruled by all men. No woman had few to none power in there kingdoms. Not as my kingdoms, the people had no powers but they do have a connecting to animals. only they did not have multiple. Each kingdom had an different animal and a sort of protecter.

Frose lands, ice, ice dragons, brucas. Only ice dragons were extinct.
Kingdom of the wolves, wolves, shadow killers.
Fean, snakes, liage.
Rava, fox, Triaga.
Ramuca, lions, fijara.

I could not find much about what all that meant, but it was a start. I also had found a map. Of the entire world and each kingdom, including mine. So this map had to be new. The froze land were in the mountains of snow. The kingdom of the wolves was in the forest. Fean was a kind of magical place, there were all these kind of lights and trees, and a river running true the city. Rava an Ramuca were more like cities.

The rest of the books were about the line of kings they came before everyone. Political issues. Nothing important. I had also found letter to the king of Loxe from citizens to help them. Free them. The king as answer, had sent a letter to there ruler what they did. Letting them got punished. If he wasn't alive right now. I would cut of his head right away. all the information I needed I had, so it was time the inform everyone. I stood up from the stair. Packed up every book and the map I needed. Aza was still laying on the same spot. I settle down beside hear. I placed my fore head on hers. "it's time". I whispers softly. Trying not to scare her awake. "who do I need to kill?". She said with a sleepy noise. I laughed. "hopefully now many, come on". I walked true the doors meave showed me. and true the halls. And out of the palace. And I had a smile on my face as I close the doors. aza by my said. I turned around, facing the city. And that smiled faded. My people. My people. Had ruined this beautiful city. I told them to surge the city, do what they want. I did not mean, destroy houses to the ground. Destroy there art. Set all the animals lose. Set fire to there temples. Power awakened in my blood. Making the lovely day of sun and open sky turn into cloud of darkness, and lighting from the sky.
This got all their attention, because they stopped were doing. Asked each other what happened. But in time they gather in frond the palace. Xavier, Mascu, Meave and Axe gather as well. "what. the. Hell. Is. This.". I asked to no one particerly I got no answer. Only scared looks and whispers. "WHAT IS THIS?". lighting shooting from the sky and hitting one of the trees in close to the city. " u told us we could do what we wanted, so we did. We destroyed the home of all scumbags". A men said. standing in the middle of the crows. I walked to him. people making room for me. " I did tell you that. but I thought I told that to ground ass men and woman. Not little children. We had our revenge. No need to destroy a place of history and beauty. Our ancestor lived her. Spilled blood on the same ground u are standing on right now, just so we can do all this.". aza now growled. matching my anger. What a sweetheart. I petter her head. " alright next time I tell all of you to do what you want.
I mean have fun with each other, maybe explore some of the place we are. Drinking, eating. Not destroying or hurting. Are we clear?". The man said yes. So did all the others. "Good". I walked back to my inner circle. I talked low so now one else could hear.
" when I am gone, you all are in charge. Why did it get out of hand"?'. I said calmly. " we were not exactly in... able the handle.". axe said. "What are you talking about". I looked to all of them. "we went to a bar. Perhaps drinked a little to much". Axe continued.
I sighted. "don't let it happened again". I walked away from them. Stood before the doors of the palace again.
"I spend all night searching for information when you all were destroying things". I reminded them. Not going to lie. That was just for me. there faces were sometimes to funny when I am angry.
"I found out, they also have animals. each kingdom has one animal presenting them. And they have a sort of army of creatures protecting them. There are story of certain powers they maya have, but that is not for certain. King lead there kingdoms with cruelty
There people begged the king of loxe to save them. He did not. So were are going to. the Froselands. We are staring there. The books say there animals have gone extend. So less to face. Gather your things. The frose lands are in the back of map. So we need to be careful the other cities don't see us and run the surprise. Clear your head. because we are going right away.". I did not need to make a plan together with the rest. They were Cleary hang over.

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