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Chapter 36
I heard my brother yelling at me. from outside my tent. I grunted and stepped out the comfort of my bed. I stepped out the tent and I did not even had a change to say hello or good morning. Axe stated me on the table seat. "something happened". Such a good way to begin a morning. I looked at him. "continue". He sat one the edge of the table. "rave has joined the forselands. There army's have gathered. Including the foxes and the traiga that belong to rava". Well fuck. I placed my hands on the back of my head. "who know about this".
"me, mascu and some men who had night watch".
"how do you know"
"the men you placed the see if the kingdoms were doing anything came riding to us. they told the men who had night watch that they saw the army of rava gather with the forse lands". I though. And thought. Axe waited for me to think of a plan. " already I have a shitty idea. But I think It will work. I want everybody ready to listen to me as soon as possible". Axe nodded and went on his way. I went back to my tent to put my fighting leather on. this plan is shit. But no one will expect it. escpaily not from me.
axe did what I asked. When I went out my tent everybody was gathered. Axe annouched what he told me. rava has joined the frose lands. Has joined xavier. "so I have come up with a plan". I stood before my people. "it is shitty and stupid. But not something they will think of". I reeathout my plan. not thinking of somthinh better, "we go back home". peopled objected. Saying we were almost there. Almost achieved our yourney. Then I heard one men say. You are just the week woman your mother thought you are. And that. stroke a nerve. I walked over to the men that sad it. "get out of my fuckinh way". People imiddeitlay cleard my way. And when I reach that men. I grabbed him by his collor and struk my fist in his face. He fell to the ground. I hit him again. and again. someone pulled me off him. " don't ever. Ever! Disrespect me like that again. I brought us here, Me!". I pulled my arms back form the person who held me. it was axe. "what he say". He asked. " nothing". I walked back to where I stood. "I now this is not the best choice. but we took over fean, ramuca, and kingdom of the wolves. if we take the time that they will listen to me. that we will be one army. We can struck with full force. Something we will nead. The frose lands are the biggest and the strongest of all. And with rava with them...We need to be at our best. So we go back home. rest. Train. And we surprise them. let them think we have given up". if we go back home, it looks like we are deveated. The kingdom we have take over and us, we are not combined. And that is needed. If we plan to take down frose lands and rava. i let the people talk to eachother. they can say what they want. But I do this so they do not die. If I lead them in battle now. we will lose. "axe".  He walked to me. " I want a meeting. Get mascu. I will wait in my tent". I walked to my tent and set down on my bed. a few minutes later axe and mascu walked in. aza and mythos behind them. " what do you think". Aza walked to me. "it is a good plan".she laid down at my feet. i kissed her head. " I want to gather the leaders of fean, ramuca and the kingdom of the wolves. we will talk about my leadership. And theirs. And the upcoming war". I looked at axe and mascu. "axe you will gather fean". Meave. He will see meave again. "mascu you will gather ramuca. I will gather kingdom of the wolves". they nodded there head and got to there task. I went to sit beside aze. " I have a feeling this war will be the biggest we every had". She places her head on my lap. "then we will fight the hardest we ever have".

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