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Chapter 27


The warriors had gather the dead. And they went on a boat to go to camp. I did not go with them.   I walked true the forest. but there were no people. I sometimes catch someone looking out the windows but when they saw me, they hided. I walked true the city and know was in the start of the kingdom. And I leaned against a tree.  The warriors that was supposed to fight the snakes were standing in a circle, sword out. " how long have you all stand like this?". I asked laughing. They lowered their swords and looked at me. "I think we scared of the snakes". Axe said as he walked over to me. I shook my head. 
"no I don't think you did". I laughed. "was all me". he gasped. "I tell you layer, good to see you alive". I patter his shoulder. And walked to the warriors. That were now sitting.  I looked at them all, no injuries. Good. then I looked at those eyes. xavier.
"all you huh?". He laughed as he walked to me. " all me'. I smiled.  he placed his hand on my head and kissed me.  We walked back together to camp. With all the other warriors. "so, hid did it go". I asked xavier. "we arrived and I sent a group in the opened to look around. But then I realised it was trap, I was to late. a snake came from the trees and took a men with him. I disced we better stay in the opened instead of the forest, because then we could at least see them coming. We stood in a circle. Ready to fight. But no snakes came, or people. we stood like that for hours when you came". The men who dies would not get a prober funeral. But we shall name him. he would not go to the gods unnoticed. "you did good". I grabbed his hand. "even Tho someone died. You made a good decision.". I looked to him. he smiled "thank you , princess".  We now walked out of the forest. " how did it go with you?". he asked. "well, I was in a boat that floated over huge snakes sleeping in the water". he laughed. "yeah that was something. When we got to the palace there was an army of liage's. they were made out of tree branches. They could grow branches and that how they killed. I took my shadows out on them. Aza an mythos certainly had there fun". I laughed. " I struck the tree with lighting, tree times". Xavier looked to me. "tree times? Was that really necessary?".
" no. but it was fun". He laughed. " the tree got on fire and so did the liage's. they are now ashes. I slit the kings throat. He is dead". He took his hand out of mine and placed it on my waist and kissed my forehead. "you did good as well". I smiled. "but the kings had a daughter. He killed her mother, and abused her. She has bruises all over her. She is the snake princess xavier". I looked him the eye. "she stopped the snakes from killing us". I nodded. He took a breath and looked forward. We were almost at the camp. "I will have to say thank you then". I nodded. Warriors now saw as. And run to their friends.  xavier and I walked to meave's tent. Axe was running to meave as well. going in the tent. We walked in behind him. he was hugging her and then kissing her. Meave looked so happy, as did axe. The princess was sitting on a chair. Aza was laying besides her. I walked to aza and lay besides her, hugging her. " Xavier this is the girl I talked about". I pointed to the princess. Xavier took a chair and sat next to her, turning towards her. "what is your name?". the girl was shy. But she said. "faye". Faye. A beautiful name. "how old are you?".
"thirteen". She said as she looked down. "well faye, I think I have to thank you for saving me and nyra's men". She looked at me. "nyra?"she asked. "Nyrrea, my friends call me nyra. So can you". I responded.
" you can control the snakes faye?". xavier asked. "I can. I could since my father hitted me first. The night it happened a white snake with red eyes came to my room. it comforted me. the next day when I went to the forest the next day. And the snakes just listened to me. the white snake that came to me, is there leader". Her story was almost like mine. I also met aza in the forest. "how come the snakes did not kill your father?". xavier asked. "I told them not to". faye responded  Why would she do that. buy xavier did not ask further. It was a personal matter. "faye, you are the heir to the Fean. You are queen now". I said to her. When she claims her throne. She will be very dangerous. She will rule a kingdom and the snakes. It is better if she will be on our side in time. "queen? But I do not know anything about that.". she started panicking. Xavier grabbed her hand. "you will be an amazing queen, faye. trust yourself". I did not now xavier was good with kids, but he has a little brother so it is not weird that he is. "but how will I do that. be queen". She was so young to be queen. " your father had advisers did he not". I told her. she looked down. "after you killed my father. my snakes killed them". She is fully on her own. "I will help you".  meave said. we all now look to her. "what?". axe said. " I have help nyra. I served a king. I know what see needs to do. and it is not like I can fight. I want to do this". she said to axe. And I knew my brother was in love. So it had to hurt when he said. "alright". leaving his love behind. It is hard. " I will be back. when she has a good claim on her throne and knows what see need to do ". Meave now said to me.  it is good that meave will help faye. so she will be on our side. But she is my friend. " are u sure meave?". She nodded. She has her own choice. meave walked to faye and bent down before her. grabbing her hands In her. "I will help you". faye smiled. "I need to go back. the snakes will go out the forest if I am not back soon". That won't be any good. "I will say goodbye to my friends and then we will go". meave stood up and went to xavier. xavier stood up. she hugged him. she whispered something in his ear what made him smile. She then went to me. I was still hugging aza. who was fully asleep still. I stood up and hugged her. "you are a good person meave, don't let anything chance that. I will miss you so much". A tear slipped down my check.  "I will mis you to nyra. Free those people from the kings". She stepped back from the hug. My hands in hers. She gave them a squeeze and went to axe. Who already had tears down his check. "let's go wait for them outside". I said to xavier and faye. we stepped out the tent. " nyra". Faye said.  I turned to her. "if I will be queen".
"you will be, faye. and a good one". She smiled
"but when I am. And you have taken over the other kingdoms. I will serve you". what? serve me. that means she wont have full control. I bent down to her level. "you don't know what you are saying Faye". I looked her in the eye. "I am. It means you will lead my kingdom as well. and I want that. you have saved me. saved my people. when we begged for hundred years. Only you have answered. You are the queen the world needs". I have not heard her say so many words in one time.  she had no doubt I could see it in her eyes. "alright then. When I take over the other kingdoms. I will come back to Fean. And we will disguise It again". Faye nodded. I hugged her. meave walked out the tent with axe behind her. she now had tears on her cheek as well. They gave each other a last hug. "come on". meave said as Faye grabbed her hands. meave said her last good byes and then she left.

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