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Chapter 35
"about?". Axe and I joined aza and mythos. Standing besides them and before the wolfen. Army? I don't know what it is. Aza did not answer me. the wolfen king was looking right at her. I think they are communicating. "what is going on". I shushed him. "they asked what we are doing here, what I am doing here. I told him about the plan for the king. he understands and he agrees. That he king is a selfish bastard. but he is loyal this kingdom, the citizens. and he will protect it. at any cost. He made a preposition. If we don't hurt the people of this kingdom, we can kill the king, we will give you safe passage towards the palace. and when you rule, you will rule for the people. not for power. That is the only way we will get there. If we don't agree we wont get further than a mile. What do you say?" my smart girl. she made a deal with he wolfen king. this deal, could not be any more perfect. "say I agree". I told aza.  a second later the wolves bowed their head. accept the wolfen king. and they walked off. Clearing our path. "what just happened". Aze pointed towards the place the wolves just stood. "we made a deal, with the wolves king". his eyes became wide. "we just saw... the wolfen king?".
"yes, we can kill the king". for me not leading for power, but that was not important right now. "I don't even want to know how. Lets go". axe walked forward. He quickly stopped walking. I raised my eyebrows. "I don't know the way". We both laughed. I patted him on the shoulders. "let's go brother".
We have reached the palace after two days. And to my surprise. The wolfen king has kept his promise. We hade safe passage. Now one attacked as during the day or night. We stood before the mountain. If there was door in the front of the mountain, you could not even see there was a place inside. The mountain was inside the forest. trees surrounded it everywhere. the sun was in front of the tip of the mountain. It was a beautiful as a painting. The sky were different colours of blue, orange and yellow. It was extraordinary. To get to the doors you had to walk over a bridge. Just like in the beginning of this kingdom. only this time the bridge had pillars going downs and it was made of rock. The bottom was a river. The mountain had who statues of wolves carved out of it. the door was in between them.me, axe, aza and mythos walked over the bridge, up the stairs and stood before the door. the dark warrior were now where in sight yet. Nor were the wolves. "do you happen to know where were going to walk in to?".i asked aza. "nope, only one way to find out". she responded. I took a breath in and opened the doors. the inside was just as beautiful as the outside. there was two stairs to the sides that led to some place. And one stairs forwards, what led to a hallway. The sides of the hallway were pillars that connected with a bow. Mos covered the pillars. Flowers everywhere. there was lake next to the hallway. I walked to the hallway and leaned over the railing. I looked up. it was all opened. You could see the top of the mountain. There was no sunlight, yet everything was so light. Aza and mythos were looking around. While axe was in awe. "why are all the kingdoms so lovely, bit the king that lead them are ugly". so true, brother. So true. " the kings were maybe once kind, but power turned them ugly. as most people". I stepped away form the railing and walked next to axe. We walked after aza and mythos. "how? Power cant turn people to hurt other people. they can only do that themselves". I curled hand around axe arm. " power makes people believe they can do everything they want, without consequences. Because no one dares to threaten them, or even hurt them". he looked at me. we were almost at the end of the hallway. " but you aren't. you have power like them, maybe even more. And you save the people off the kings. When you could just turn your eye and rule your own kingdom". he was right. but I never was a woman who made the easy way out. " then who will give the citizen of the world a place they deserve". aza and mythos had stopped walking before us. "what is it". I took my hand away form axe and walked over to aza. " the dark warriors". We face a wall, what had a door. the hallway let to right and left. And across the hole wall were dark warriors side to side. Looking at us. "let see if they have kept their allegiance".
I stepped forward. "open the door". and two warriors stepped towards the door, and open it. revealing the throne room. we walked inside. The room had a stair in the middle of the room, leading up to the throne. Were the king sat. he had a long dark beard. His hair, also dark, was very short. He had no armer on. just a pants and a shirt. He had cup in his left hand. And he was passed out. there was a red dark carpet that lead to the stairs and further to the throne. There were two fire bolts by the stairs. And a big candle lamp on the ceiling. Dark warrior were everywhere. when we stepped in the room, the doors closed behind us. two warriors standing before it. "stay here". I told axe, aza and mythos. Axe nodded. Anze and mythos sat down. I took out my two sword what was strapped across my back. crossing them before. making them hit each other, what made a loud clanging sound. The king woke up. I hold my sword to each side of my legs. "what is going on". the king sat more straight and looked around. I walked up the stairs. The dark warriors did nothing to stop me. I stood before the throne. The king was still half asleep I assume. His eyes were half open, and he had done nothing yet to me walking over to him. "fight or flight". I smirked. the realisation of what was happening set true the head of the king. "warriors! Attack!". He yelled. No one listened The dark warriors stayed were they were. I walked closer to the king. "they are not under your rule anymore, I stole them". his eyes flashed. "you are all alone, your warriors are bound to me. and your wolves hate you so much, that the first thing they did when they saw me, was make a deal". Understanding and kindness makes a long way for a leader. the kings I have met had not of it. including this one. "I will kill you". the king shouted. He stood up from his throne. Placing his cup on the arm rest. He was just a inch longer than me. "No you won't". I staired him right in the eye. we were head to head. "you  couldn't even if you tried". He took out his sword from its holster. He stumbled back a little bit. Barely noticeable. But I noticed. " been a long time since you hold a sword?". I joked. He stood back before me. he pointed his sword to me. " you are just a girl, I could take you with my eyes closed". He scolded. He aimed his sword for my neck. I stepped behind. Making the sword not touch me. the king tried again, aiming form mu arms. I  douched it again. and so our dance began. The king struck his sword to me. I douched it. eventually he gave up. lowering his arms, both his hand on his swords. he was breathing heavily. "tired already". I smiled. the king shot me a glare. "what do you want". He said out of breath. I placed my swords in the holsters on my back. "I want you dead". He blinked. He looked in my eye, before making a run for it. so it is flight. I sighted. "why do you have to run, it was just getting fun!". This bastard was fast, he was already in the hallway next to the throne. I ran after him. he looked behind me and saw me. he was not as fast as me. I placed my hand of the back of his t shirt. He stopped running. I struck my foot under his foot, making him fall to the ground. I bent down. "please". He raised his hand for mercy. "is that what your people saw before you cut of there heads". He was just like the rest of them. greedy for power. "I wont anymore, please. I wont kill anybody ever again". he begged me. I took out my knife form the straps on my leg. And placed it on his throat. " mercy is not for the liked of you". I sliced his throat open, I watched him bleed out. watched his soul leave his body. I stood up and putted my knife back in place. I walked back to the throne room. Walking down the stairs. Axe saw me. "and?". I walked towards the leader of the dark warriors. "he is dead". I stood before the leader. "I rule this kingdom now. I am queen. So you will listen to everything I say form now one until my rule has ended. You understand?". He bowed his head. "yes, my queen". I placed my hand on his shoulder. "good. then you will lead in my place. You will listen to me, but you will lead here. you will do good". his eyes shot to mine. I did not think these warriors had any feeling, they were barely human in the end. but they did have feelings. I knew because I saw the hope in his eyes, "thank you, I will do my best". He is good in battle, and will be a good leader. "I know you will do great". I patted him on the shoulder and left. Axe, aza and mythos following me. we walked out the palace and back in to the woods. Two more kingdoms to go. Rava and the frose lands, and when I gather my army to go to the forse lands, the snow will turn red. And that battle will go in books.
Me, axe, aza and mythos had walked back to the warriors. Who were waiting at the beginning of the place, by the waterfall. I had thank them for waiting and we all went back to camp. Were Mascu was waiting. He had not join us because he was tired of battle for that day. I had asked aza, who asked mythos. I saw all the men and woman who were waiting at camp cheer loudly, for there friend, family or lovers who have returned. And Mascu was sitting at a table. He looked to us when he saw everybody cheering. He smiled immediately. I walked over to him and hugged him. I hid him on this head, and pointed my finger at him. "next time you don't join me, you tell me. instead of finding it out true our wolves". I smiled. "of course, how did it go". I took a breath. "well, the dark warrior are now faithful to me. the king is dead. And I made a deal with the wolfen king". he smiled. "sounds like everything went just fine". It did. "lets eat". Mascu placed a hand on my back and let me to the food. Later that night, we feasted. For our factory's and our loses.

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