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Chapter 37
A year later
"you!". I pointed to some warrior who I knew was friends with axe. "where the fuck is my brother". He pointed me towards some house. I walked to it and opened the door. and there he was. Sleeping, no. he was out of this fucking world on a bed,. I slapped him a awake. "what the fuck". He shot up. "what are you doing here?".
"this is my house". His house? "since when do you have a house?"
"yesterday". Good for him. "how lovely, why are you still in this house". He stood up form his bed. and went to sit at his table and had he eat some bread. " because I am sleeping". This man. I sat with him at his table. "do you know what day it is". He looked at me weird. "I don't fucking know". wow. We have planned this day for a fucking year. " war day brother". I stood up and patted his back. He shot up form his chair. "shit". Ahhh. Now he knew. I walked out axe house, letting him get ready. To day was the day. We gather the biggest army in my people history. My warriors and the raxi's. Fean's liage warriors and their snakes. Ramuca's fijara's warriors and their lions. The kingdom of the wolves shadow killers and their wolves. we will meet at noon. At Ramuca. The only challenge is for the kingdom of the wolves to sneak past rave, unnoticed. The leader of each kingdom and me had gathered this year, to come up with a plan. and we have become friends. if I could choice. I would choice them to go in to battle. My people are almost ready. the one who are ready are standing outside the kingdom. already in place. I walked over to them. "lucana's! get in form!". The lucana's are the woman I trained this past year. They have become the best warriors. And they are in front line. The woman I trained, and personally know, are all set in the front line. Ready for my order. The rest of my warriors are standing behind them. axe came running over to me. " what a timing you have brother". I laughed. Axe went to stend next to me. "am I still on time". mascu walked over to us, standing of the other side of me. with mythos by his side. Aza soon came to stand next to me. I kissed her head. "yes you are brother, right on time". everybody was ready. "we have planed and trained for this day for a year. I have faith in all of you. I have watched you train. You are the strongest and most loyal warriors I have ever met. We shall meet the rest of our army at Ramuca. At then we will go in to battle with the Froselands and Rava. you all know the plan. stick to it. and we shall win!". I scream of the top of mt longs. My warriors cheered loudly. My lucana's tapped the bottom of their speers on the grass. Screaming loudly. I have trained fierce woman. Who I am very proud of. I patted the back of axe and Mascu. " lets go to war".
As planned we arrived outside Ramuca at noon. The army of Ramuca was already waiting outside, the three sisters, Edrea, Katana and Eleia. The tree woman who control fire. Who lead Ramuca in my place. they greeted and told me their were ready whenever I am. I thank them. Fean was the next to arrive. Faye- the princess of snakes- and Meave leading them. when I saw Meave I ran to her and hugged her. "I have missed you". Meave hugged me back. "I have missed you to Nyrrea". I looked at her. Meave had not joined Faye in the meetings we had for this war. So it has been a long time since I saw her. "after this, I want to hear all about how you have been".
"of course, I want to hear about you as well".
I gave her one last hug. And addressed Faye. " are you all ready". she has grown since the last time I saw her. she did not look like a girl anymore, she was a woman now.
"yes, we are all ready". after a half an hour, the kingdom of the wolves arrived. The dark warriors leading the way. I walked over to them. "we are set, my queen". The leader of the dark warriors said. his name was Ynir. "good". I saw aza greeting the wolves. we were all standing in a circle. I went to stand in the middle. "I want to thank you all for coming. And joining me in this was. I know this Is not your battle to fight. I know we all have been training very hart this past year for this moment. We will defeat the Froselands and Rava if we stand together. So lets not stand in a circle, separated. Lets stand like an army. The leader can join me". and we did. there were four rows of warriors. Each kingdom had it own row. And the leaders stood before their own army. "are we ready? "I screamed. And everybody screamed. I walked forward. And so did everybody else. In this last year I have met a lot of people. and I killed a lot of people. but the one who are standing by my side at this moment. They are the ones my loyalty goes.
We had reached the Froselands the next day. thankfully. Rava had not seen us. I know we were facing a strong army, but I did not expect what I just saw. " is that..". Axe pointed towards the army standing before the mountains. Our army's was the biggest I ever saw. But the Froselands and Rava combined. Had nearly outnumbered us. nearly. " yes it is". I looked at the army, their size. And then I saw him. Xavier. he was standing in front line. Looking just like him fine ass self. Next to him was his mother and Koa- the prince of the Froselands-. Xavier had his eyes on me. and I on him. he did not smile. He was not angry. His face had no emotion. "how have they gather there armies?". Axe asked from beside me. i took my eyes of Xavier. "spies, probably". i knew no one had betrayed out plan. because I had not said where we were going to strike them. these warriors were all loyal to me. the leaders had walked over to me. "what are we going to do". Ynir said. " the one thing we have trained for. We fight". They all nodded. " we have the advantage It is nearly dark. I want the dark warriors to disappear. They will go in the mountains and strike the army from  behind. Be unnoticed Ynir". Ynir nodded and went to his warriors. "the rest of you will fight beside each other. do what we have trained for". They also went back to their warriors. "what about them". axe looked at me. Xavier and his mother. He meant. " they are mine". Axe pulled me in a hug. "whatever happened. I love you". I hugged him back. "I love you to". we stood back in place. "lucana's!". the lucana's set their bottom of their speer of the floor. " be with me!". and then I ran. I took out my sword form my back. holding them by my side. The lucana's followed me immediately. The rest of my entire army followed soon after. and we ren into war. As one.

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