Anxiety-TJD X Reader

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Prompt: Poly Judgement Day x reader where reader has an anxiety disorder that acts up randomly one day and they try to calm reader down?

I would like to preface this by saying this is what helps me with my anxiety. Everyone is different and different things help but this is what helps me to calm down. The symptoms and stuff are also based on my own experiences. I hope you enjoy!!

TRIGGER-mentions of an anxiety attack and anxiety symptoms

Word count-1,865

It had started off a glorious Saturday morning. Finally, being able to sleep in after two full weeks of non-stop work or travel. I woke up to the sun streaming in through the cracks in the blinds onto my partners and my shared king beds. We liked to sleep in one bed more often than not so when we all moved into our house together, we decided that the second living room upstairs would be our bedroom and had a door installed in the entryway and two king-sized beds pushed together for room for all five of us to sleep together.

I woke up on my stomach, sprawled across two of my partners like a starfish. My head and right hand rested on Dominik's chest and my legs were off to the other side, resting on Finn's lower thighs and knees. I looked across from me to see Rhea still fast asleep, her head resting on the other side of Dom's chest. Deciding I wanted coffee, I rolled over onto my back, facing Finn, who was awake and on his phone.

"Good morning," He whispered to me trying not to wake the others, his voice still thick with sleep.

"Mornin'," I smiled sleepily at him, raising my hand to rub at my eyes. I looked around, noticing that we were a member short. "Where's Damian?" I asked whispering, still not wanting to accidentally wake up the other two who were still cuddled up so cute.

"In the kitchen makin' breakfast. Said he'd come get us when it's ready." Finn informed me. I nodded slowly and yawned, causing Finn to laugh lightly at me. I scowled and slapped his chest lightly in mock offense before shifting my position to lay more on him than Dom with my head on his shoulder so I could see his phone.

I watched him scroll through TikTok for the next several minutes, occasionally seeing an edit of one or more of us and liking it before sending it to me so that I'd be able to re-watch it later on my own and repost it.

"Ooh wait go back," I whispered to Finn, scrolling back up to the previous video on his feed. It was about a new horror movie coming out. Just then, Damian waltzed into the room wearing nothing but his underwear and a 'kiss the cook' apron Rhea had given him as a gift for Christmas last year.

"Are you not freezing?" I asked him, scrunching up my nose a little as I wrapped my blanket around me a bit tighter, my bottom lip starting to quiver a little.

Damian just scoffed at me, smiling and shaking his head lightly. "Breakfast is ready downstairs." He gestured towards Rhea and Dom who were still asleep, "You two go ahead, I'll wake them up."

Excitedly, I rolled on top of and over Finn to get off the bed before he even had a chance to move a muscle, taking my fuzzy Halloween cat blanket with me. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed Damian's cheek as I walked past him, muttering a small 'good morning' and 'thank you' before making my way downstairs.

Damian had already set out a prepared plate for each of us in our usual spots, along with our preferred drink. I bounced over to my spot, gripping my coffee mug with both hands. It was iced coffee, always iced coffee, but I favor the mugs.

I took a long slow sip, savoring the flavors Damian decided to surprise me with this morning. "Strawberry and chocolate?" I asked as I saw him walking into the kitchen/dining room, along with my other three partners in tow.

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