Mark Me-Rhea Ripley X Reader⚠️

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Request: pls could you write another one shot off Rhea , Dom!Rhea x sub!Reader, with the prompt "Please mark me, I want everyone to know I'm yours." btw your last one shot was just perfect 💜

Warnings: 18+ There is light smut in this! (Dom!Rhea, Sub!Reader, kissing, hickeys, oral and penetration mentioned, slight ownership) as well as a creepy man😔

A/N-This one is short and doesn't go very far so I'm sorry but please enjoy anyways. There will be another more detailed Rhea smut coming soon!

Word Count: 1,067

I waited backstage in the WWE arena for the night as my girlfriend, Rhea Ripley, fought against her former friend, Raquel Rodriguez.

Rhea had been on the road for over two weeks straight now, having her normal TV appearances along with house shows and PPVs so we hadn't seen each other in forever which gave me the grand idea to surprise her backstage at her last Raw show.

Dominik stood beside me as we watched Rhea on the screen before us. She was kicking Raquel's ass. And she looked smoking hot while she was doing it.

She wore her usual black bottoms with purple feathers and a cut-up T-shirt depicting herself on the front. She wore black knee-high boots that gave her an extra inch in height along with her famous 'Mami' choker as her hair swung wildly around her face.

A few minutes into Rhea's match, I felt a pair of eyes on me. Trying to turn my head around as discretely as possible, I saw a man staring at me from across the room. He looked like an average 45-year-old man but as he stared at me and we made direct eye contact, a chill washed over me and I got a bad feeling.

Dom looked over at me when I visibly shuddered, his eyeline shifting to see what I was looking at. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him stiffen before wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his body in a side hug.

While Rhea and I weren't secretive about our relationship, some men had chosen to ignore it and occasionally go after me anyway when Rhea wasn't around to fend them off.

I relaxed into Dominik's side as we continued watching the match, cheering quite loudly once Rhea won and her title was returned to her.

As the screens went black, insinuating a commercial break, the man from before stepped in front of the screen, forcing me to look at him.

Dom's arm got tighter around my shoulder as the man spoke.

"Hey cutie, I was thinking that after the show tonight, we could go out and grab drinks?"

He was rubbing his hands together in a really sleazy way that made me uncomfortable.

But before I could answer him, someone behind me answered for him.

"She already has plans."

I turned around, a cocky smile now growing on my face as I saw my girlfriend standing there, pissed as hell.

The man was also now visibly pissed. "Well, I think the little lady here can speak for herself. You don't own her."

I beat Rhea to the response this time. "Actually, she does."

I slipped out from underneath Dominik's protective hold on me, sending him a suggestive wink as I twirled around feeling certain that he could hold his own against this man, moving towards Rhea.

Grabbing her hand, I interlaced our fingers and began to pull her down the hallway back to her dressing room.

Rhea walked ahead of me into the room as I closed the door behind us. She was seething as she paced the room in front of the couch. I locked the door to ensure we wouldn't be interrupted before walking up to her, placing a hand on her forearm causing her to stop in her tracks and look at me.

Anger and concern swirled in her eyes, mixed with a protectiveness over me. She stepped closer and held my hips in her hands. "Are you okay?"

I gave her a reassuring smile as I nodded up at her, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear and out of her eye.

Standing on my tiptoes, I brushed my lips against the column of her throat, dragging them across her throat over to her ear. "Please mark me, I want everyone to know I'm yours."

That seemed to ignite a flame in her as she immediately locked one hand around my throat, the other still on my waist, using the hand around my throat to guide me to the couch.

The backs on my knees hit the edge and I automatically sat down, looking up at her as I waited for her next command.

Her hand was still wrapped around my throat, just loose enough to let me breathe freely. Her thumb began to trace circles around my racing pulse as she got down on her knees in front of me.

She pushed my knees apart with the hand that was formerly on my hip, pushing herself between my legs to where her hips met the edge of the couch. The hand that clutched my throat let go and dragged down my front to the hem of my t-shirt. Well, really, it was Rhea's I had just stolen it to wear tonight.

I lifted my arms above my head in a show of consent for her to take my shirt off and she immediately took it off as fast as she could.

She stopped and stared at the lacey purple and black bra I'd worn for her and licked her lips, her tongue piercing catching the overhead light.

I grinned down at her as our eyes met and she laid a hand on my stomach, pushing me down against the cushions.

Her lips brushed against my skin all the way from my waist up to just underneath my chin as she teased me. Goosebumps grew along my body at her touch.

"God, I missed you," She murmured against my skin, getting only a moan from me in response.

What was left of her lipstick left stains on my skin as she kissed her way back down, savoring the feel of my pebbled flesh on her lips.

Having waited to be told to take off my bra, once it was finally off, Rhea rolled each of my nipples between her fingers as she left my boobs covered in bruises, marking her presence.

She left hickeys all down my body—the biggest ones between my thighs and on my collarbone. Not only just marking me, but claiming me as hers.

My favorite mark, however, was the one she left on the lip of my pussy just before taking my clit into her mouth and sucking as her three main fingers were inserted into me.

The moans she created in me could be heard outside the door and the hickeys were blatantly obvious if the stares and refusal of eye contact for the next few days were any indications. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Nothing beats belonging to Mami.

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