Flu-TJD X Reader

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Prompt: Poly TJD x fem!reader angst/ fluff

Reader is sick but insists on her partners going to work. But while her partners are at work she tries to get up but passes out in the living room by the couch. Partners arrive home and find her still pressed out. Turns out to be severe flu

A/N I'm sick and miserable right now as well and I fully believe this one-shot cursed me. This is also exactly how I act but I was a good girl and I take liquid medicine😤

Word count: 2,725

Reader's POV

The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. Smiles graced the four beautiful faces of my partners around the breakfast table.

And I felt like dogshit.

My throat was on fire while my head pounded. My nose was so stuffed it was like trying to breathe through a brick wall and I was freezing to death.

My partners were up a bit earlier than usual because they had to go to work soon and I could hear them in the dining room downstairs. Tonight was Monday Night RAW and all four of them were required to be there for a surprise match involving Dominik and Finn.

Stumbling down the stairs into the kitchen, I tried not to trip over the king-sized comforter I had wrapped around myself and dragged off the bed.

Making a beeline for the medicine cabinet I kept my eyes on the floor in front of me, refusing to even accidentally make eye contact with any of my partners for fear of them hounding me with their overprotectiveness.

Rifling through the different bottles I kept a lookout for the cold medicine one. After searching for a few minutes I eventually gave up, accepting that we didn't have anymore, and just grabbed some ibuprofen instead.

I turned around to go grab a cup of water and screamed as I jumped, dropping the medicine bottle as I came face to face with my four partners.

"Holy shit! You guys scared me." I pouted, resting a hand over my chest to calm my racing heart as I bent over and rested the other hand on my knee.

"Whatcha doin', love?" Finn asked me bemused as the other three stood around him, all with a look of confusion, concern, or both on their faces.

"Nothing. I just have a bit of a headache and I'm really cold. Nothin' to worry about Loves." I gave them all a small smile as I leaned down to pick up the dropped bottle.

I winced in pain as all the blood rushed to my forehead, only increasing the force of my pounding headache.

"Let me get that, Babe." Rhea swooped in, pushing me to stand back up as she grabbed the medicine bottle for me. "Go lay down."

I shook my head slightly as she moved to grab me water to take my pills with as Dominik held my shoulders and guided me to the living room couch.

He gently pushed me to sit down before sitting next to me, rubbing my back to bring some warmth to my body.

Finn and Damian were not far behind and sat on the floor in front of me, each of them propped up on one of my thighs.

I glared up at Rhea as she came back with cold medicine, a bottle of water, some saltine crackers, a box of tissues, and a thermometer.

"You need to eat something before you take the medicine," She shoved the crackers in my hands before I could protest, taking the open seat on my other side as she brushed my hair out of my face. "Do you want me to make you any soup?"

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