Bar-TJD X Reader

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Pairing: Poly! Judgment Day x Reader

Prompt: Hi can you do a judgment day x reader where they all go to a club to celebrate a win or something and the reader goes to get more drinks and a guy comes up to her flirting with her and she politely tries get away but he keeps on but then the judgement day comes looking for reader and protect her and just fluff when she thanks them and them saying they will always protect her or something like that? Pls💕

Word Count: 1,127

Reader's POV

The bright lights shone above, reflecting off of my metal jewelry in flashing colors of light. The atmosphere was humid with the smells of sweat and alcohol. Music blared from the speakers placed strategically around the room, causing the walls and floors to vibrate with the bass.

Bodies pressed up against me from every side but I didn't mind too much since they were the bodies of my four partners. Yes, four. How on Earth I got lucky enough to score all four of them simultaneously I'll never know but I'll cherish them forever.

The colorful flashing lights illuminated each of my partners' faces as I danced between them all.

Rhea held my hips from behind, grinding on my ass as Dominik held my waist, swaying his hips and singing along to whatever song was playing in front of me.

Damien and Finn were off in their own little world as they grinded against each other next to us, occasionally bumping hips with us as we all swayed to the music.

My face and neck were both flushed with sweat as I danced the night away with my partners. We were celebrating Dominik winning his NXT North American Championship Title back.

Covered in sweat and panting slightly, I gently pried myself away from the sandwich my two partners had put me in.

"I'm gonna go get drinks!" I shouted to the two of them as I pointed towards the bar. It wasn't too far away but with the amount of people in between it felt astronomical.

"Be careful!" Rhea shouted back before closing the space between her and Dom, the two of them now grinding on each other instead of me.

I giggled happily to myself as I made my way towards the bar. I had to dance my way around crowds of people along with individual couples so I wasn't met with a hand to the face.

Reaching the bar, I laid my hands atop the counter as I waited for the bartender to finish what he was doing. His movements with the bottles captured my attention, captivating me as I watched in awe.

"Hey, beautiful. Whatcha drinkin'?" An older man with scraggly, peppered, facial hair saddled up to my right

"Just water," I replied, turning my attention briefly to him before turning back to watch the bartender. Just trying to nicely tell him to get lost but he didn't seem to be getting the hint.

"Lemme buy you a drink, baby." His slurred voice rose to be heard above the music, only spreading the smell of his beer breath further into my face. He raised his hand and started whistling at the bartender, who, on the other side of the bar, couldn't hear or see him.

After a second or two of not being acknowledged he gave up and focused his undivided attention onto me. His beady eyes stared straight into my soul.

"No thank you. I'm actually here with someone." I smiled politely, taking a subtle step back away from the man. I did a quick sweep of the dance floor, trying to find my partners, only to see the four of them all in the exact same positions I had left them in.

"Hey, now. I don't see anyone." He did an overexaggerated look around us at the crowd as he leaned forward even closer to my face. I tried to step back again but found myself up against a stool and no longer able to move away.

The man only pushed further towards me, effectively caging me in. My heart started to race as I started to panic.

I wouldn't be able to beat a literal child in a fight, much less this drunk grown-ass man.

"Yeah, well, they're right over there." I pointed in their general direction, refusing to take my eyes off of the man in front of me though lest he try something when I'm not fully paying attention.

"Come on, sweetheart. I don't bite." He gave me a toothy grin as he laid his hand on my arm. Before I could even yank my arm out of his reach, his arm was ripped off of me by someone else.

"Yeah? Well, I do." Rhea stood behind the man, his arm gripped tightly in her fist as she glowered at the man.

Damian stood next to her, also death-staring the man as Dominik and Finn gently pulled me away from the situation and behind Rhea and Damian.

The two of them were without a doubt the most menacing of the group. Damian with his combined height and build and Rhea with her build and her overall aura. They were especially terrifying when even slightly peeved, never mind totally pissed.

I would hate to be in that man's position right about now.

And by the looks of it, so would he. He stared up at the two of them in horror as a wet spot grew along the front of his pants, trickling down and onto the floor, making my partners all take a couple of steps back.

Dominik waved over a bouncer to escort the perv out of the bar as Rhea continued to scowl disgustedly at the man as he was dragged out.

"I see you again, I'll do a lot more than just make you piss yourself." Rhea threatened making the man's face lose all color before she turned around to face me.

Her expression immediately softened as she gripped my face in her hands, turning my face every which way examining me for any harm the man might have caused.

"You alright, chica?" Damian checked up on me, resting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I'm okay," I reassured my partners. "Just a bit shaken up is all."

Finn shrugged out of his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders, rubbing them as he steered me towards the exit. "Let's get you home, Lass."

Dominik held my hand the whole way home, rubbing small circles with his thumb, and then carried me out of the car once I fell asleep.

Laying in bed later that night surrounded by my four partners I realized just how so incredibly lucky I am. "Thank you guys for being there," I mumbled in my sleep-dazed head-space.

"Anything for you, mami," Dominik replied, giving my forehead a kiss as Rhea squeezed my middle from behind. Finn and Damian each gave one of my hips a kiss as well.

"We'll always be here to protect you Y/n," Damian added, receiving confirmation noises from my other two partners.

My partners are my protectors and nothing and nobody will ever change that. I fell asleep feeling loved and safe, encompassed by their warm bodies saving me from all kinds of harm.

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