Socials Pt 2- Rhea Ripley x Reader Headcannons

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Request: 💳 💥💳💥💳💥💳 Rhea Ripley social media posts / talking bout her girlie in interviews part 2 pleaseeeeeeeee 🥵🙏

I mean, if yall are insisting...🤷‍♀️
For the purposes of this, you're not a wrestler
Also, currently getting my first tattoo as I write this so please ignore any possible grammatical errors

- With the ass video going around, you'd repost it with a "😋🍽️" caption and she would immediately repost it with a "🙇🏻‍♀️🍑🍽️" or sum shit to rile up the fans

- You don't have a hug social media following yourself, but they do often ask for more content. Specifically outfit of the day(s)

- You make Rhea do them with you because she makes you feel more confident and in every video you can see her just staring at you in the mirror the whole time

- I've already said Rhea will bully people off the internet for being me to you. But you? Oh my god you're worse than Rhea is

- If one of her co-workers says something even slightly unkind about her in an interview (Becky👀) you will go with Rhea to her next show and find them backstage

- You don't even wrestle or fight but Rhea has had to pull you away from multiple people now because you will fight anybody and everybody for her

- One of said fights happened to go viral online, no punches were actually thrown as Rhea had dragged you back first though

- People online either loved the love between you two as a couple, or wished they had a partner absolutely willing to throw hands will someone over them

- Rhea would do your makeup for videos and she'd always do her makeup on you to see what it would look like

- She also does voiceovers on your own makeup videos, or a day in the life, or something The fans always eat it up too cause Rhea's commentary is hilarious

- Whenever you're backstage and Rheas going to take photos, she'll ask you to do the shoot with her so that her fans, and yours, can get sexy pictures of you both to thirst over

- Totally not because she loves seeing you both look like that and wants a picture for her lock screen Rhea started a war of bad facetime screenshots between the two of you on Instagram and you're determined to win

- To the point that you have called people to interfere in the background while Rheas at work to get a bad reaction photo out of her

- She's too proud to admit it, but it's worked several times

- Your tiktok has pretty much become a house reno account

- You build all the furniture and shit, make the cool decorations and put them up, paint, do everything yard-work related while Rhea picks out what's pretty and the pretty colors

- She'll also help you carry heavy stuff around cause she's jacked and you like watching her work but she mainly kinda just like, flounces around

- The fans are dying for the two of you to have a show on HGTV together

- Which may or may not be in the works


- It went VIRAL

- that's how most mosherz were introduced to you as Rhea's partner

- You started vlogging, though not very often, just so that you could have the permanent memories of all the different experiences between you and Rhea

- You only post like once a week but people eat it UP

- You have your own merch now

- Most of its the two of you but there is a shirt or two thats just one of you There are mercy plushies of both Barry and Luna that you always have to put up for pre-order cause they sell out in seconds

- Clothes for said plushies are in the works

- She posts little video clips of you on her story the same way she does her dogs

- And it's always the embarrassing ones where you're completely cuddled into her and shit

- She got Saints of the Undead (the people who make her leather jackets) to make you a personalized one as well even though you don't wrestle It's your favorite thing in the world and you wear it more than you should

- Like it matches with nothing that you're wearing it with But, it says "Mami's" on the back of it so you make sure to wear it especially when you go with her to Raw, Smackdown, any povs, etc so that people know you belong to her

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