Pregnant-TJD X Reader

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Prompt: Could you maybe please do one where all of the judgment day are dating and the reader gets pregnant and doesn't know how to tell her parents

A/N-Your mom's name in this is Martha because that's just what I heard in my head and I liked it🤷‍♀️ You're also from the south in this one specifically because I also am and I say so

Word Count- 2,888

Reader's POV

Two little pink lines looked back at me from where the pregnancy test sat on the bathroom counter. Next to it, two other positive pregnancy tests just in case.

As excited as I was for the new chapter in my and my partners' lives, I was also terrified.

I kept my head down as I slowly creaked open the bathroom door. All four of my partners stood around anxiously as we waited for the test results.

They had all respected my privacy and given me the space to be the first one to see the result and not have them all crowd around me as it developed.

Their heads all shot up towards me as they all now crowded around me in anticipation. I had been throwing up almost every morning for the past week and a half which originally we thought was just a stomach bug or something until I realized that my period was really late.

"Well?" Dominik asked me, wringing his hands together nervously.

I looked up at them with tears brimming my eyes, my gaze meeting Dominik's first.

"We're pregnant," I whispered, a smile breaking out on my face as I clutched one of the tests to my chest.

"Are you serious?" Finn asked me, unbelievingly.

I nodded happily, my face stretched taught with how big my smile was, as happy tears began to slip down my face.

"We're pregnant!" I shouted gleefully, jumping up and down in excitement. My partners all shouted in glee, jumping around and screaming in happiness with me. They crowded around me in a circle, encompassing me with their hugs of excitement.

Rhea eagerly, but gently, grabbed my face in her hands. Her bright blue eyes shone as they locked onto mine. "We're gonna be moms!" She whisper-shouted to me excitedly.

I laughed wetly, lunging up to kiss her. And then I kissed her a few more times before pulling away.

"We're gonna be dads!" Damian shouted, throwing his arms out to encompass Finn and Dominick in a hug as Rhea and I looked on, me still enveloped in her arms.

Dominik removed himself and got down on his knees in front of me, resting both of his palms flat on my lower stomach. "With all of us being wrestlers, this baby's definitely gonna be one too." He spoke aloud.

He gave me stomach a soft kiss, resting his forehead against my stomach, "A fourth-generation talent," he whispered wistfully.

"Someone's gotta call Triple H," Finn spoke up, rubbing the back of Dominik's neck with two fingers as he stood back up.

It was then that the realization of this all hit me head-on.

"Oh my god," I spoke with dread, slowly sinking down to sit on the edge of the bed. "How am I supposed to tell my parents?" I looked around at my partners in horror.

My parents had been fine when I came out as pansexual as a teen. They supported me through and through and even bought me my first pride flag.

However, they had no idea that I was dating anyone at all, much less four people at once who are all also dating each other.

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