Scars-TJD X Reader

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Prompt: Can I plss have poly! judgement day x fem reader with the prompt "We can't see all of our scars" after they see her scars from an accident (no self harm)

Warnings: talk of scars, past wounds, and past trauma
Also I'm really sorry this one sucks
Word count: 808

When I was about 16 years old I had been in an almost fatal car accident. Luckily, no one died but I was in the hospital for the next four days after suffering from a fractured rib.

Because of that, I had a rather unnoticeable scar down the center of my sternum. It went from the bottom of my cleavage to the top, just right between my breasts.

Usually, it was covered by my clothes so I never really thought about it all that much.

Typically, I forgot it was even there. Unless someone else brought it up.

Now in my mid-twenties, I was a wrestler along with my four wonderful partners. I had just won my match against Asuka but was covered in her blue-green mist.

So now, in the Judgment Day's personal locker room, I was stripping off all my clothes to be washed before I made my way into the connecting bathroom to shower.

Finally getting off enough of the most to satisfy my need to be clean, but still slightly stained blue, I stepped out of the shower. And immediately remembered that I had forgotten to grab literally anything.

No towel or clothes anywhere in the bathroom, I made the executive decision to just walk out into the locker room naked. After all, it was only my partners that would be in there if they were even in there yet.

Opening the door, steam seeped out into the other room as I padded over to the couch where I had left all my stuff.

As I walked out I made eye contact with all four of my partners, sending them all a wink as I walked past, making sure to sway my hips a bit.

I grabbed my personal towel, underwear, one of Rhea's t-shirts, and a pair of Dominik's sweatpants out of my duffel before turning around to head back to the bathroom.

I turned around and started walking before noticing that all four of my partners were staring at me. And not in a good way.

"What?" I asked them nervously. They were starting to scare me.

"Nothing, Love. It's just that..." Finn trailed off, seemingly at a loss for words. He was still staring at me with wide eyes which freaked me out.

I turned to Rhea, the typical voice of reason, questioning her with my eyes.

"We didn't know you had a scar there," She whispered, pointing to my chest.

"Oh," I mumbled. They probably thought it was disgusting and leave me like my last partner had.

My lip started to tremble and I could feel my eyes begin to burn and hurriedly made my way back into the bathroom, narrowly dodging Dom's hand reaching for me.

I locked the door behind me and tried to take some deep breaths as the tears began flowing.

"Y/n? Open the door, Honey." Damian's deep voice came through from the other side of the door.

"No," I managed to choke out through my tears as I continued to dry myself off before starting to slip my clothes on.

Deciding that the top I had grabbed was too low cut, I just wrapped the towel around my upper body, shielding my scar from view.

Now wearing my black cargo pants and a bra with a towel around my chest, I took a deep breath and wiped off what tears I could before swinging open the door to go and grab a t-shirt that covered my chest.

I was met with the four sad faces of my partners. Their faces broke even further as they beheld my own puffy tear-streaked face.

I tried to sidestep them but was blocked by Finn's body. "Love, just cause we can't see all of our scars doesn't mean that we love you any less for having them." He rubbed his hands up and down my arms as he held me.

I crumbled into his arms, sobbing again. "I-I thought you'd all hate me."

"Hey hey hey, we'd never hate you." Rhea consoled me, stroking my hair. "It just took us by surprise is all."

"We all love you and your scars, Hermosa," Dominik told me softly, coming to rub his thumb along my neck and up to my jaw.

I pulled back from Finn to look them all in the eyes, seeing their sincerity. I smiled softly as Damian wiped away my tears.

"We have scars too, Y/n, they don't make you any less worthy of our love," Rhea told me, bending down to remove my towel and kiss the scar between my breasts.

Another tear fell which Damian again wiped away as Dom went and grabbed one of his t-shirts for me to wear as we gathered our belongings and went home after another successful night of kicking ass.

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