Rhea Ripley x Reader Headcannons

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These are just some of my little headcannons of Rhea and reader I keep thinking about. My next one-shot will be up soon! Can you guess who its about?

- She absolutely gets all the spiders. Don't get me wrong, she hates them too, but growing up in Australia she's not as affected by them anymore.

- Rheas so fucking touchy

- She always has to be touching you in some way or other and her absolute favorite way is you on her lap with your face in her neck.

- CUDDLES!!!!!

- Cuddling is a must all the time as often as you possibly can.

- If you're both riding with the judgment day then you both sit in the back so you can sit next to each other.

- No matter where you're sitting, if you're sitting next to Rhea then you're sitting cross-legged with one knee resting on her thigh. Always.

- Rhea will act annoyed all the time but she secretly loves it when you steal her clothes.

- Sometimes she even leaves them out for you just to see you in them.

- You love wearing her clothes so much and she loves you wearing them so much that when she gets new merch she always gets extras so she has hers to cut up, an uncut T-shirt for you, and one she cuts up specially for you(either the way hers are or a crop depending on the design)

- You also steal her jewelry all the time and Rhea gets pouty cause the only jewelry she can really steal from you are earrings which she can't wear

- You're her passenger princess and you both love it. She may be a scary ass driver but at least you don't have to drive.

- You get to pick the music so long as she gets to pick the restaurant

- You guys always have matching nails

- You got her a vibrator tongue ring for Christmas one year and it's still the best present she's ever received

- She loves to do your makeup all the time for literally everything and anything. Bored at home? She's doing your makeup. Going to a concert? She's doing your makeup. Your wedding? She'll argue until her breath runs out to do your makeup. (You let her buy only under strict no romantic/sexual touches and you're both in bathrobes)

- One of Rhea's favorite things is when she catches you in the kitchen scream-singing to music from your headphones coming home after a match

- The most embarrassing time was when she caught you sing-screaming to Demon in Your Dreams

- You still haven't lived that one down

- You always make sure she has ice packs when she gets home from a match, or sometimes an ice bath.

- She'll always kiss your forehead as you sit on the floor next to her with your head in your arms on the side of the tub.

- Her phones lock screen is the ugliest picture of you ever taken and you hate it, especially since yours is a lovely picture of Rhea

- She's the builder to your miner in Minecraft

- She'll build and decorate(which she's surprisingly good at btw) while you mine and farm

- You got to take her to her first pride

- It was adorable how excited she was(she even did your makeup ;)

- You love to trace and kiss both her tattoos and scars every second you get

- You fidget when you're nervous so instead of playing with one of your piercings, Rhea will give you her hand to play with(😏). You fidget with her fingers and trace the tattoos there and if she's wearing any, play with whatever jewelry she has on be it rings or bracelets

- She likes when you wear her Mami choker in bed

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