Bookstore-Rhea Ripley X Reader

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Request: could i possibly get a really cute fluff of rhea. (possibly a non-binary (afab) reader if possible? [i'm non-binary]). they're in Judgement Day (maybe poly too? i'll let u decide) and it's just fluffy and adorable and sweet. i just love soft Rhea so much

Word count- 804

3rd Person POV

Rhea watched Y/n from afar as they scanned the titles of passing books. Occasionally, they stopped to pull one out and read the synopsis. Rhea could tell when they found one interesting when they pulled their phone out, presumably looking to see if it was on Kindle Unlimited first.

If it was, a picture was taken of the book before it was put back and Y/n continued on. If it wasn't, Y/n began scanning the surrounding area for their girlfriend. Once she was spotted, Y/n would beam before running over and excitedly showing their girlfriend the book before adding it to the stack she carried for them. It was times like these that her big strong muscles were extremely appreciated.

The books Y/n picked were usually sapphic, which just made Rhea all the more smitten, if that were possible.

This day, however, it was cold and rainy so Rhea had planned to set up shop in the little cafe inside their local bookstore.

Nevertheless, at the pleading of her partner, she just couldn't say no to browsing the titles with them.

So, upon arriving Rhea squeezed Y/n's elbow, getting their attention.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee first, do you want your usual?"

"Yes please!" Y/n exclaimed, beaming up at Rhea before hopping up to give her a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be in the fantasy section!" They exclaimed again before bounding away into the stacks of books.

Rhea chuckled to herself in amusement, watching Y/n until they were out of view before striding over to the cafe counter.

Once she had both coffees in hand, she made her way over to the fantasy section, and sure enough, there Y/n was, squatting on the floor. They had two books perched on their lap as the read the back of another.

They were so focused on what they were doing that they never even heard Rhea come up behind them until she maneuvered both cups into one hand and reached down with an empty hand to scratch at the top of their head.

Startled, their head shot up to look at who was touching them. Rhea raised her eyebrows at them in amusement and grinned as their face broke out into a smile upon seeing her.

"Hi, baby." She greeted them happily.

"Hi!" Y/n grinned back, like an excited puppy. "I'm trying to decide between these three cause I know I'll never read all of them if I buy them all right now."

Standing up, Y/n held two books in one hand and the third book in the other, showing Rhea each of the covers as they gave a short description with each.

"This one's a sapphic retelling of Medusa and Perseus. This one's a sapphic academic rivals to lovers but mystery, and this one's also gay rivals but one's a ghost."* Y/n explained each one shortly before looking up at Rhea with their wide, doe-like eyes blinking in expectation.

Rhea chewed the inside of her cheek in thought, humming to herself as she did so. "I don't know babe. Maybe you should just get all three."

Y/n just frowned at her in response, looking between the covers in indecision.

"Tell you what," Rhea broke the silence. "You pick which one you want to read first and get that one, and then I will buy you every other book you want and only give them to you one at a time after you finish the one before."

Y/n's face lit up with a gigantic smile. "Really?"

Rhea let out a small laugh, totally in love with her partner. "Of course, darling. I will always buy you anything and everything you want." She leaned in and gave them a small kiss, smiling at them.

Y/n set the small stack on the edge of a bookshelf, reaching up and wrapping their hands around Rhea's neck, giving her a longer, passionate kiss.

Pulling away, they rested their forehead against Rhea's smiling in earnest. "I really love you, ya' know."

Rhea pecked their lips, responding with a small "I know." Before gently guiding them apart by their hips, handing them their coffee as she took the small stack of books. "Go ahead and keep shopping, sweetheart. These muscles can hold a lot."

With a small excited squeal and a kiss placed upon Rhea's cheek, Y/n bounded off through the store, finding a multitude of other books they wanted. 

In the end, it was about fifteen in total which Rhea was more than happy to pay for since this was something her partner loved and she loved her partner.

The rest of the day and long into the night was spent with Y/n laying on the couch, their head resting on Rhea's thighs in front of the fireplace. Y/n read one of their new sapphic books while Rhea read one of Y/n's past favorites, wanting to know her partner better.

It was one of the best days either of them could have ever asked for.

*All three of the books described are real books that I very much recommend, in order, Queens and Monsters by Clio Evans, I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston, and Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas. All of these are available on Kindle Unlimited🫡

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