Manhandled-Rhea Ripley X Reader⚠️

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Request: I want to be manhandled by Rhea

WARNINGS: SMUT!!! (thigh riding, fingering, hickies, nicknames, slight degradation, spanking, oral, rough)

Word count: 1,771

Reader's POV

"Oh shit."

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit."

It was the mantra repeating in my head as I hurried down the nearly empty corridor of the back of whatever arena Raw was taking place in tonight.

My girlfriend, Rhea, had told me to meet her at her locker room twenty minutes ago so we could grab a cab and leave a bit early since we were both done for the night and she had told me that she had something planned for us.

I, however, had gotten a little caught up in something and just about busted my ass trying to get there before she got too mad.

Skidding around the corner to where her dressing room was located I slammed face first into what felt like a solid brick wall.

The impact sent stumbling back but before I could land flat on my ass a hand as familiar as my own wrapped around my waist, keeping me upright.

"I'm so sorry babe," I apologized to my girlfriend as I wrapped my arms around her neck. Her grip on my waist tightened as her eyes flared at me in anger.

"I lost track of time and then I was running backstage and tripped and Rhea, I ate shit, and I'm so so sorry." I panted, trying to catch my breath as I clutched the back of her t-shirt in my fist.

Her jaw clenched as she looked at me, and I could tell she was choosing her next words carefully.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

I nodded carefully in response.

She gave a curt nod before going back into the room, coming back only a second later with both of our bags in her hands.

"Lets go." She said before brushing past me and making her way down the hallway, leaving me to close the door behind us and scurry after her.

I waited beside her silently until our cab arrived, only looking over at her when she grabbed our bags to put in the trunk, her ordering me to get in the car instead of helping.

Hopping into the back, I buckled in and waited for her to join me. Once she was in and ready, we took off towards our hotel.

The whole ride back was spent in a thick silence. I could feel Rhea's anger pulsing off of her in waves as I trembled nervously in my seat. The only real assurance I got that she wasn't mad mad was her hand squeezing my inner thigh.

Wasting no time, as soon as the car pulled to a stop in front of our hotel, Rhea was up and out of the car getting our luggage. She met me at the front door and I followed her in as we made our way up to our room.

The second the hotel room door closed behind me I was roughly pushed up against it, one of my thighs brought up to her hip as she cradled the back of my head to keep it from hitting the door too hard.

"You were late, Sweetheart. You didn't listen to me, and you know what happens when you don't listen to me." She growled at me before attacking my throat with her lips.

She bit and sucked her way up and down my throat, from the bottom of my ear to the top of my breasts, leaving her mark along the way.

A guttural moan escaped me as she explored my body with her tongue. She bit my throat harshly, a sign to shut up, causing me to whimper as I bit my tongue to stop any further noises from escaping. 

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