Dog-Rhea Ripley X Reader Pt 2

635 17 1

Request: How Rhea would comfort you after putting your dog down

WARNINGS⚠️: Involves the death of a pet and the grieving process. Please don't read if either of those things bother you

A/N: Pls go take my survey 🫡

Word Count: 1,296

Reader's POV

My chest ached and my head pounded but none of it even mattered.

I had been crying for so long that my cheeks were tight with dried tears, my legs cramped from the fetal position I'd put myself in.

My dog, Baron, had just been put down. I knew that it was the right thing to do but that didn't make it hurt any less.

The front door creaked open down the hall and I heard my girlfriend walk into the kitchen. I heard her moving some stuff around, but never bothered to ever get up to go investigate.

After she'd been home for about ten minutes I heard a small knock on our closed bedroom door before it was opened, slowly letting in the hallway light into the dark room.

I heard the door close behind her as she made her way around to my side of the bed.

"Hi, honey." She greeted me softly, bending down to be eye-level with me. She gently moved the hood off of my head and began to sweep the hair off of my forehead and behind my ear.

"Hi." I whispered.

She grabbed a tissue from the nightstand beside her, beginning to dab up the fresh tears about to spill over. "I brought you a little something." She broke the silence.

My eyes widened a little, my curiosity now peaked.

"It's in the kitchen though."

I groaned slightly. I was too exhausted to even get out of bed, much less go all the way out into the kitchen. "I'll carry you." Rhea smiled at me, huffing a small laugh at the pout that having to get up had caused.

"Okay." I caved in immediately. Any chance to have Rhea carry me around was one that I was going to take.

She grinned at me as she threw the covers back from my body. I wrapped my arms around her neck as she wrapped hers under my knees and around my upper back, picking me up and holding me close to her chest.

Dropping a kiss on my forehead, she carried me out into the hall and down to the kitchen were my surprise awaited.

I gasped as soon as I saw it. Rhea had set up a whole mini buffet of all my favorites sweets and treats. Pictures of Baron were taped to skewers and strewn throughout. I laughed as tears began to flow down my cheeks again.

Rhea set me down onto my feet, immediately concerned. She cradled my face in her hands, swiping away tears with her thumbs as she looked down at me with her brows furrowed in concern. "Y/n?"

"Thank you." I cried, surging into her. I held onto her like my life depended on it. Breathing in her scent and feeling her muscled arms hold me back just as tight already began to make me feel better.

She laid another kiss to the top of my head before pulling away, ushering me towards the counter. Walking over, I marveled at just how much food she had gotten me and how much work she'd put into it.

I turned around to thank her again but was met with a stuffed dog that looked exactly like Baron. The tears came back tenfold as I hesitantly reached out, taking him from Rhea's outstretched hands and bring him tight to my chest.

His fur was just as soft as Barons and I cried into it for what felt like forever as Rhea's strong arms came to wrap around me, holding me as I shook with sobs.

She rubbed up and down on my arms as she peppered my head with kisses, completely doting on me as I cried.

Eventually I pulled away, my face puffy and red while my cheeks were still wet. Leaning up, I placed a big kiss on Rhea's lips, a wordless thank you for all she'd done.

Still holding onto the stuffed dog tightly, I turned back around to the buffet laid before me, just now noticing how hungry I'd been.

"Sit down babe, let me get your plate. You can sit at the bar and tell me what you want." Rhea addressed me, already holding a plate for me.

I nodded and walked around to the other side of the counter where the stools sat underneath the extended counter-top. I sat the dog in my lap once I had made myself comfortable and watched as Rhea carried out my every request.

The buffet was filled with all my favorites. Brownies, specialty donuts from our favorite shop, my favorite coffee sat by the sink, right next to it was once of those divided plate/bowl things filled with different candies, among other foods and sweets.

I could smell my favorite dish that Rhea had introduced me to in the oven. It was one that she'd passed to me from her mom.

"Shouldn't we wait for dinner to be done first before we eat desert?" I asked her before she could start filling up the plate.

She just shrugged in response, "I mean, we could. Or you can have brownies and candy first. There's also ice cream in the freezer."

My eyes widened at the knowledge that there was also ice cream. "Well, in that case, I'd like two brownies, a piece of fairy toast, and some of those pigs in a blanket. And my coffee please."

"Coming right up." Rhea happily replied, going down the counter and filling up the plate with everything I had requested, adding a few pieces of candy to it as she went.

Grabbing my coffee in her other hand, she set down the plate and cup down in front of me at the same time, giving me a big smile. "Bon appétit."

I gave her a small smile back, happily digging into my food as I watched her walk around the kitchen finishing up the dish she'd made for me, stopping for a quick bite every so often. Stopping even more often to pepper me with kisses.

Once the dish was finished, she put a layer of of tinfoil over it to keep the heat in it until we ate it.

Silently, she walked around the counter to where I sat and held out her hand. Confused, I took it and she helped me off the stool and brought me over to the couch. She sat me down and walked over to the basket of blankets over by the TV.

She grabbed two of them before coming back over to me and laying them both on top of me, tucking me in. I typically ran cold so two blankets was my usual amount. Walking back over to the TV, she grabbed the remote off the console before making her way back over to me.

She turned the TV on and then handed me the remote, instructing me to play whatever I wanted as she sat down next to me, resting her arm on the top of the couch behind me.

Wanting to cuddle into her as close as possible, I lifted up the edges of the blankets closest to her and scooted over so that our thighs pressed together and laid the blankets back down on her lap, shifting them over so that her lap was covered too.

Laying a kiss on my head, she dropped her arm to my shoulders as I curled into her, beginning to flip through the channels.

Eventually, I just gave up and went to Netflix and put on my favorite show. I nestled even further into Rhea and cuddled my stuffy as we watched my show.

After a little while I began to fall asleep so Rhea let me lay my head on her thighs to sleep. Her fingers scratched my scalp, sending me to sleep even quicker.

It would take a little while, every healing process does, but I know I'll be okay. Especially with the best girlfriend ever at my side every step of the way.

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